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God And Natural Disasters

By Erwin W. Lutzer

“The question of why the tsunami happened is a geological question, not a theological question.” So said a Christian cleric when asked about the terrible disaster that has riveted our attention in recent weeks. Most of the Christians interviewed on television have tried to protect God’s reputation by putting distance between Him and the horrid suffering that we’ve seen so graphically.

So, does God have ‘anything to do’ with natural disasters? We all agree that nature is fallen and as a result there are faults in the earth that cause earthquakes, and earthquakes cause tidal waves. So, the argument goes …

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God Is In Control—But Where Was He?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

"When the dead are counted, the number will be more than we can bear,” said Mayor Giuliani. And so it is, the number 5,500 is more than we can bear.

Why did God not protect Washington and New York City?

The same question was asked back in A.D. 410, when Aleric the Goth overpowered the guards at the Salarian Gate and trashed the City of Rome. The citizens were angry, and blamed the disaster on the God of the Christians. They insisted that their own pagan gods would have done a better job of defending the city; but now the …

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Dealing With The Da Vinci Code

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Da Vinci Code’s Other Bible

“We are presenting these texts as sacred books and sacred scriptures of the Gnostics.”

These words are found in the Introduction of The Gnostic Bible, a collection of documents which some believe give an alternate interpretation of the early days of Christianity. These writings lie at the heart of The Da Vinci Code and other kinds of esoteric literature which insist that originally Christianity was diverse, with no strict doctrines such as we find in the New Testament. In fact, according to this scenario, what we now call heresy was originally the teaching of …

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Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Beyond The Da Vinci Code

Don’t think for a moment that The Da Vinci Code is just a fad whose effects have disappeared from our cultural radar. Just as the Tsunami moved off the headlines but the people continue to live with the damage, so the teachings of The Da Vinci Code continue to impact our society. In fact, I predict that the real battle for the heart and soul of Christianity is not behind us, but still lies in our future.

There is a bitter war heating up against the Bible and we had better be prepared to answer …

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The Lie Of The New Spirituality

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Gospel According to Oprah and Her Friends

Oprah Winfrey has always had a fondness for promoting guests who tout their New Age beliefs. But recently she has done so with focused determination, using her media empire to promote three authors and books whose views are deceiving millions. In doing so, she has become the high priestess of the New Spirituality, which can be simply defined as more occultism packaged for the Western mind.

The authors are Eckhart Tolle, whose book The New Earth is flying off the shelves, breaking records for sales; Ronda Byrne, who wrote The Secret and …

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Away With The Manger

By Erwin W. Lutzer

As we approach Christmas, liberal attorneys (such as in the ACLU) will be on the alert in public schools and buildings to make sure that there is no sign of Jesus to be found. Although the word Christmas might still be used, its meaning cannot be explained, nor can its events be recounted. Imagine students in school being told that they can celebrate the Martin Luther King holiday, but must do so without mentioning his name, talking about his achievements or displaying a picture of him!

Even worse, liberal churchmen have been teaching for decades that it is not necessary …

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Angels We Have Heard On High

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Holy Angels of Christmas

An angel appeared to Mary; three times an angel spoke to Joseph and angels communicated the message of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds. Obviously, these heavenly beings did not disappear after the first century! Even those of us who have never seen an angel most probably have been helped by them since they are “ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14).

There was a time when those who believed in angels were thought of as misguided souls who existed on the fringe of society. …

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Your Most Memorable Christmas

By Erwin W. Lutzer

My Most Memorable Christmas


I remember as a child shaking the Christmas gifts under the tree trying to imagine what might be inside. And now, as a father and more recently a grandfather, I enjoy watching the children take their turns guessing what is in the packages and then unwrapping their gifts with abandon.

Of course, not everyone shares such happy memories. Sometimes at a Christmas party, I’ll ask others to share their most memorable Christmas, whether happy or sad. I’ve heard delightful stories of unexpected reunions, idyllic settings, and generous gifts. I’ve also heard stories of deep hurt, …

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Why This Christmas Will Be Different

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Christmas Will Be Different This Year

“Stores Face Credit Crisis” read a headline in USA Today. The article went on to explain that struggling retailers will have to borrow money to purchase inventory for the Christmas season; but they might not be able to get the loans they need. Thanks to a jittery economy, many retailers will simply find it difficult, if not impossible, to survive the Christmas season even though this is the time of year they should be thriving.

The same financial challenges will also be experienced by their customers who are purchasing the goods. Given the recent …

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Christmas In The Invisible Church

By Erwin W. Lutzer

No Christmas Celebrations in Turkey

There will be no Christmas Celebrations in Turkey, this year!

Rebecca and I visited Turkey (Asia Minor) this summer, where Paul spent most of his time planting churches. It is also where the famous Seven Churches of Revelation existed, which his why we toured the country, and when we visited all seven of these sites, we were dismayed at what we saw.

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor no longer exist. I am not talking about church buildings—I’m talking about congregations, the fact that there is no visible Christian presence of any kind in these …

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