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1920-05-19 Overflowing Life.jpg

The Overflowing Life

By Dr. F.B. Meyer

(An address to Bible students, July 3, 1914, not corrected by the author).

What is the best thing I could say to you supposing it were the only time I had in my life of addressing you? I think that probably I can help you that way best, although I am not quite sure you are all in that condition of mind to receive it, because naturally you are exercising the intellectual side of your nature, and it is rather difficult therefore to turn from the use of the intellect to the use of that subconscious—that subliminal self that the …

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Take Courage

By Rev. Paul Rader

(Helpful to Sunday School Lesson of March 21, 1920, Revelation 7:9–17)

“And palms in their hands.” Let us look at another scene of palms where Jesus rode into Jerusalem as king of the Jews, to be rejected. The whole multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Hosanna, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” As this scene the multitude cast their garments on the ground for the ass on which Jesus was seated to walk upon, …

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A Soul Vision Of Christ

By Rev. Charles E. Hurlburt

Annual missionary sermon delivered at The Moody Church, Sunday morning, April 26, 1925 by the Rev. Charles E. Hurlburt, General Director of the Africa Inland Mission.

Has a peace filled your heart in answer to the prayer of thousands of God’s dear children—those who have spiritual hearing? Have you caught the sound of the stately steppings of the Master Himself moving about the earth? The measure of the blessing that shall come to The Moody Church, to Chicago, to Africa, to China, to India, and to every part of the earth depends upon the vision that you and I shall …

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The Eschatology Of The Apocalypse

By W. Leon Tucker

The last book of the Bible is not a riddle, it is a revelation. The last book of the Bible is not a puzzle-picture, it is a prophecy. The last book of the Bible is not a confounding, it is an unveiling. Whatever begins in the first book of the Bible, whatever commences in Genesis, continues through the rest of the Bible, and comes to a conclusion in the last book of the Bible. All the way from the “In” of Genesis to the “Amen” of Revelation we have an unfolding of God’s purpose. The last book of the Bible …

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Saved By His Life

By Dr. Harry A. Ironside

“For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” —Romans 5:10

It is not the entire verse I am thinking of tonight so much as the last four words, “Saved by his life.” What are we to understand by this expression? Certainly the verse itself and the entire context makes it very plain that it is through the death of Christ our sins are put away. It is His precious atoning blood that cleanses us from all sin, thus purging our …

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We Need An Anchor

By Erwin W. Lutzer

At Peace in the Midst of Our Political Storm

We are not the first Christians who have had to endure unrest and fear that our nation might unravel politically, racially, and economically.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young theologian, found himself living in a Germany rife with riots, finger pointing, and political strife, which brought widespread fear and conflict of every sort. Germany’s first attempt at democracy, the Weimar Republic established after World War I, was about to unravel. There was fear of communism, and with soup lines in Berlin and Munich, there was fear of starvation. Open fighting on the streets …

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Uttermost Salvation

By Dr. W.H. Griffith Thomas

Opening address of the Victorious Life Conference, June 23, 1920.

“Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” —Hebrews 7:25

Whenever people visit the city of Jerusalem they are shown a number of sights and wonderful places, and, if you believe everything you are told, you would believe a great deal. But, of course, whether the places are accurately stated or not every visitor goes to see what there is to be seen, and the most important place in Jerusalem in the opinion …

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Open Every Night

By Rev. Paul Rader

The formal dedication of the new home of the old Moody Mission took place on Wednesday night.

In introducing Mr. Storey, who is to be superintendent of the Mission and Director of Open Air Work, Mr. Rader spoke of the vision God had given him for the mission.

The Vision

I am sure God has given us a vision for this mission. As you know, since liquor has been put out of business, the need for the old style rescue mission is gone; but the need for the old Gospel remains the same. For a long time I have felt …

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Where To Go With Doubts

By Erwin W. Lutzer

A New Name for an Age-Old Problem: Deconstruction: Abandoning the Faith

About ten years ago, a new term slipped into everyday Christian vocabulary: deconstruction. As we know, construction means to build something; and so, understandably, deconstruction refers to tearing something down. In our social media age, the word is frequently used for those who are abandoning the Christian faith. Those of us who are older remember when we called it “backsliding,” which meant leaving your Christian beliefs and lifestyle and choosing to be absorbed into the world. The word backsliding is used multiple times in the Old Testament when the …

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Are We Ignoring The Holy Ghost?

By Rev. P.W. Philpott, D.D.

In searching the Scriptures to ascertain what has been revealed concerning the Holy Spirit and His ministry, we discover a striking vocabulary of phrases and synonymous terms that are both interesting and instructive. We find that out of thirty-nine books in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is mentioned in twenty-four of them, at least 84 times. Another remarkable fact in the Old Testament study of this subject which I observed is that the Holy Spirit is not named at all in the books of either Joshua, Jeremiah, or Daniel, but the marks of His presence are there. He wrought …

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