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Resources About Conflict

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Information on how to handle conflicts in life: both internal conflicts and struggles as well as relational conflicts.


The Blinding Power Of An Offense

Whatever we hang onto that is more important than loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and soul is idolatry.

Sermon Series

When You've Been Wronged

Human relationships can be both a great blessing and a great burden. These messages are intended to deal with the kinds of issues that divide people—in their families, in their churches, or at work. Forgiveness and reconciliation are often difficult—and sometimes not achievable—because we are too defensive, too blind to …


When Personalities Collide

The power of blessing, humility and faith can overcome the bitterness and anger in our relationships.

Sermon Series

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secrets—secrets that destroy their souls. These messages not only diagnose the problem they also give a prescription for those who seek hope and healing. Here is a positive hope that life can be different; God stands by to help us with our struggles.


Welcome To The War

Giving in to our desires of lust, covetousness, and selfishness never satisfies.  

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