Pastor Lutzer Outdoors
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Endurance Partners play a vital role in advancing our mission to transform lives to the glory of God. Your monthly partnership not only provides financial stability for the ministry—it impacts the life of each person touched by Moody Church Media.

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Our Endurance Partners make it possible for Moody Church Media to:

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Supply people with ongoing biblical teaching, guidance, and more, through local radio stations around the world.

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Provide amazing resources so our listeners' questions can be answered, their faith can be deepened, and more lives can be transformed.

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Make books, teaching series, and a wealth of printed and audio resources available to encourage Christians in their daily walk.

And much, much more! Become an Endurance Partner Already a Partner? Sign in

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Get a Free Resource Each Month

Our Endurance Partners who give $30 or more each month can opt in to receive the monthly resource, including Pastor Lutzer's books, sermons, and recommendations. Each item is designed to encourage, uplift, and edify, on issues that concern all of us at one point or another in our lives - in other words, valuable materials to help believers in endurance training.

Your August Free Resource 

This month, as our way of saying thanks for becoming a new Endurance Partner, we will reserve a copy for you of Pastor Erwin Lutzer’s brand-new book, The Eclipse of God. This is a preorder so you will be among the first to get the book. We will ship it to you on the release date of September 10. Pastor Lutzer says, “The moon of radical secularism has obscured the light of God...Darkness never retreats on its own; only light can push past the darkness.”



Lives Transformed

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"Your teaching from the Bible came to my sister and I at a time when we most needed it, and it helped us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I don't think we could have made it without you. You and the Holy Spirit gave us the confidence we needed... for the hope of eternity in God's promise of salvation."

Laurie S.

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Through your radio ministry on BBN you led me to saving faith in Jesus. My husband followed and together we were baptized, along with our daughter and her husband. This past July, my husband passed from this life to Heaven and your book, One Minute After You Die, has been a comfort to our family. Thank you, Pastor Lutzer. God bless you."

Rowena A.

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"I was having a difficult time with depressions, to the extent of contemplating suicide. I was alone and grasping for some reason to go on living. Due to insomnia, I turned to Christian radio. One night I heard a wonderful group of ladies singing a song, "Songs in the Night." I'll never forget your voice and words of encouragement. Thank you so much Dr. Lutzer - I really do believe that God used you and your program to keep me alive."

Jeff C.

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