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Sermon Series

When You've Been Wronged

When Reconciliation Fails

Erwin W. Lutzer

Human relationships can be both a great blessing and a great burden. These messages are intended to deal with the kinds of issues that divide people—in their families, in their churches, or at work. Forgiveness and reconciliation are often difficult—and sometimes not achievable—because we are too defensive, too blind to our own faults. Listen carefully to these transforming messages, first for yourself, and then for others. 


Sermon 01

The Blinding Power Of An Offense

January 2, 2005

Whatever we hang onto that is more important than loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and soul is idolatry.

Sermon 03

Brothers At War

January 23, 2005

God can use people whose lives aren’t as upright as they should be.

Sermon 05

Dodging Spears

February 6, 2005

We need to let God break us.

Sermon 06

Christians In The Courtroom

February 20, 2005

The exaltation of individual rights plus the descent of morals and integrity provide the perfect recipe for lawsuits. 

Sermon 08

Getting Over It

March 6, 2005

If you want to be free from your own prison, you have to be ready to say to God: whatever it takes.

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