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Sermon Series

What We Believe

...And the Difference It Should Make

Erwin W. Lutzer

Here is spiritual meat that believers need if they wish to grow! A life without doctrine is a tree without roots, a building without a foundation. We must simply choose to "buy the truth and sell it not" as the author of Proverbs admonishes us. The truths in these messages are not just intended to be food for the mind, but a primer on how to live in the world.


Sermon 01

The Book We Trust

September 10, 2006

We can hold in our hands the living, true Word of God!

Sermon 02

The Father We Worship

September 17, 2006

We are to make God look good in the midst of a skeptical world.

Sermon 03

The Son We Follow

September 24, 2006

We should all mimic Christ’s humility.

Sermon 04

The Spirit We Embrace

October 8, 2006

We are the Holy Spirit’s temple—royalty has come to dwell in us. 

Sermon 05

The Sin We Rationalize

October 15, 2006

If you have a wrong view of sin, you’ll be wrong about everything that really matters.

Sermon 08

The Devil We Abhor

November 5, 2006

Satan is on his way to final judgment, and his end in hell is assured.

Sermon 09

The Church We Love

November 12, 2006

Christ loved the church even when we were very imperfect.

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