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Sermon Series

The Church In Babylon

Unleashing the Power of a Spirit-Filled Witness

Erwin W. Lutzer

What comes to mind when you hear the name Babylon? Babylon is often used as a symbol of man’s rebellion against God. Thanks to their rebellion, the Jews were eventually carried off into Babylon, where they tried to maintain their faith in the midst of a pagan culture. These messages from the book of Jeremiah walk through what happened before the coming of the Babylonians and the destruction of Jerusalem. We will see parallels to our own nation; more importantly, we will look into our own hearts and see that we, like generations before us, must prepare for dark and difficult days. These messages are intended to motivate us to be faithful in a pagan culture that is under the judgment of God.


Sermon 05

When God Judges A Nation

November 10, 2013

An assault is being waged against evangelical Christianity in our country.

Sermon 07

Life In A Pagan City

May 18, 2014

God cares for His people, even when they are under judgment.  

Sermon 08

Conflicts Of Conscience

May 25, 2014

There comes a time when we simply draw a line in the sand and accept the consequences.

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