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Resources About Christian Living

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Information on what the Bible says about Christian living.


The Blessed Life

God blesses the people who are most like the Lord Jesus.


Salt And Light

Jesus is looking for people who can be salt and light to the world without becoming contaminated.

Sermon Series

What We Believe

Here is spiritual meat that believers need if they wish to grow! A life without doctrine is a tree without roots, a building without a foundation. We must simply choose to "buy the truth and sell it not" as the author of Proverbs admonishes us. The truths in these messages …


Our Man In Egypt

In this message, God uses the life of Joseph to encourage our daily Christian living.


Stars, Maps & Compasses

Ask God to use His Word to strengthen your faith, teach you His truth, and encourage you to be obedient.

Sermon Series

Sermon On The Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous teachings in the Bible. Pastor Wiersbe walks us through Jesus’ lessons one at a time in order to explain what true Christian character looks like. As we dive into each blessing, we find many truths that can be applied …

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