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Sermon Series

Christians In Conflict

Confident Living in a Pluralistic World

Erwin W. Lutzer

Wherever we look, conflict exists.  Whether it is in our nation, our churches, or our interpersonal relationships, these messages are not only designed to help us resolve conflict but also to encourage us.  We can thrive in the tension that exists between what we believe and what others think.  Pastor Lutzer divulges a practical understanding of why conflict exists and shows us how to approach it without compromising our faith.


Sermon 01

When Religions Collide

May 27, 2007

God’s people patiently suffer and witness in the midst of a pluralistic culture. 

Sermon 02

When Beliefs Collide

June 3, 2007

Though we often disagree, God has united His imperfect people through His Spirit.

Sermon 03

When Personalities Collide

June 10, 2007

The power of blessing, humility and faith can overcome the bitterness and anger in our relationships.

Sermon 04

When Loyalties Collide

June 24, 2007

Though citizens of heaven and residents of earth, our ultimate allegiance is owed to God.

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