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1959-08 Soul Surgery.jpg

Soul Surgery: Part 8

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 8 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

Conversion In Soul Winning

Conversion is a transaction which takes place altogether between the soul and God. It follows conviction and confession, both involving a new revelation of the need of a Saviour. It takes place at the moment when the salvation offered to us in the Lord Jesus is recognized and appropriated.

Here the worker can do little except help to center the thoughts and attention of the person to whom he is speaking upon Christ and His redeeming love, instead of upon …

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Rules Of The Road

By Dr. Alan Redpath

The Royal Route To Heaven

At the beginning of this series of messages it was indicated that there is more than one route that a man can take to Heaven. As we pursue our way through this portion of God’s Word we have seen the awful possibility of a man being saved, but as by fire, and losing everything at the judgment seat of Christ except his salvation. Our concern, however, has been to seek to help one another together to walk on what I have called “The Royal Route,” the route that is worthy of men and women who …

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Soul Surgery: Part 1

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 1 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

The Challenge And Significance Of Personal Testimony

What generally passes for personal work is a double misnomer, for it does not really take account of the individual nor is it really work. Along with Bible study and prayer we include personal work  as one of the three primary essentials of the Christian life. But are we not thankful in our hearts that those to whom we recommend these practices do not know how shadowy is their presence in our own living: Personal Work, Bible …

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Soul Surgery: Part 2

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 2 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

The Science And Challenge Of Personal Testimony

The problem we are now to consider is to distinguish between a scientific and unscientific way of carrying on this all important work of personal work for the Master. The Lord Jesus once said (Luke 16:8), “The sons of this world are for their own generation wiser than the sons of light,” and we are certainly sadly lagging behind in making the idea of conserving our resources as individuals an essential part of our Christian living. We …

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Soul Surgery: Part 3

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 3 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

The Strategy Of Our Witness

Though one may know that there are impediments in personal witness, people resent the man or woman who walks right into their lives and talks about this most sacred subject. Call it “defenses” if you like, and hint that this may screen some moral failure (though that may be a very vulgar and unworthy imputation) the fact remains that people dislike it when we do it. In any case, it is bad strategy to antagonize someone you want to …

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Not You But God: The Acid Test Of The Exchanged Life

By Anonymous

The expression “The Exchanged Life” has become familiar to us here at The Moody Church for it constitutes the emphasis of the regular ministry of this church. It crystallizes a great truth which has had revolutionary effects in the lives of many whose hearts have been gripped by this principle. In fact, it has brought us into a new principle of life entirely where we have discovered that “it is no longer I, but Christ,” and where we have discovered that the thing that counts is not our struggling and whipping the flesh to bring it into line, but rather …

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Soul Surgery: Part 4

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 4 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

Confidence In Soul Winning—Part 1

Having considered something of the Challenge of Personal Witness under the three headings of Significance, Science, and Strategy, we now come to another aspect of this important subject entitled the Confidence in Soul Winning. By this I mean coming so wholly into the confidence of the one whom you are seeking to help along the avenue of personal friendship that you know his own estimate of himself, and see him through his own eyes.

The physician of souls must …

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Soul Surgery: Part 5

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 5 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

Confidence In Soul Winning, Part 2

We must remember that the amount of spiritual longing in the world is absolutely incredible. No one can even faintly understand the intense spiritual unrest which seethes everywhere around us. No one, that is, except the one who has tried to discern—and who has begun by the private experiment of looking into his own life—by taking observations upon people near him and known to him, and has witnessed enough to call forth his heart the most emphatic desire …

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Soul Surgery: Part 6

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 6 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

Confession In Soul Winning

Last month our subject was winning of Confidence in soul-winning, and now this word Confession is really the logical conclusion which denotes that the personal worker has won through to the innermost need of the life of another. He has been privileged to see the room in his life, the door of which is usually closed and barred.

Even where there is abundance of confidence the work may be a comparative failure because we have stopped short of the genuine …

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Soul Surgery: Part 7

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Part 7 of a 9-part series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1959.

Conviction In Soul Winning

Conviction may come simultaneously with confession, but confession of sin is not in itself conviction of sin. We cannot see life in reality without being oppressed with the awfulness of the burden of sin, our own and that of the world. We cannot think of human nature without being staggered by the terrible contradictions it contains. It is capable of soaring to Christ-like acts and emotions, and at the same time capable of descending to devilish lust and cruelty. The …

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