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Moody The Evangelist

By Joseph B. Bowles

Moody the Evangelist: A Character Sketch with Original Sayings
By: Joseph B. Bowles, circa 1926

That great Christian leader, the late Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D., editor of The Missionary Review of the World, said of Mr. Moody that more than any other man who ever lived he had come nearest reaching the world with his voice and with his pen.

Mr. Luther D. Wishard, the first college secretary of the International Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association [YMCA], expressed it thus: “Mr. Moody delivered the gospel message in a larger number of places, to a larger number of …

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What Mean These Stones?

By Dr. P.W. Philpott

The Dedicatory Sermon of The Moody Church

It would appear that almost from the beginning of history man has perpetuated the memory of his heroes and his epoch-making events by piling together stones. We can trace the custom in the Bible as far back as Genesis twenty-eight. You will remember that we find recorded there the story of Jacob’s wonderful vision of God in which God promised divine protection and provision. Jacob took the stones of that place and made a pillar, and anointing it with oil he called the name of it Bethel—the house of God. That was indeed …

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