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The Man God Uses

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“Have I not commanded thee, Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”—Joshua 1:9

We have been thinking about the inner meaning of this book of Joshua. The command of God was, “Go over this Jordan, thou and this people, into the land which I have given thee.” This opened up before us the possibility of life on a higher plane, deliverance from a wilderness experience of defeat into the experience of victory, even though it be through warfare and conflict.

As we …

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Blowing The Silver Trumpets

By Anonymous

“And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Make thee two trumpets of silver: of a whole piece shalt thou make them.”—Numbers 10:1–2

What is it that we need first and most, if the months that lie ahead of us, if the Lord will, are to be fruitful in the things that are pleasing to God? How are we to fulfill the relationship of life, and in them adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things? What is it that lies at the basis of all spiritual life and service, and without which we can only fail in every …

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Be Prepared

By Dr. Alan Redpath

The words of our Lord Jesus in His earthly ministry were often full of challenge to His disciples concerning His second coming. In Matthew 25:1–13 is a parable which has to do with our own personal preparedness for that great event. We must beware of forcing analogy, especially in parables relating to our Lord’s coming, in order to make them support our own particular theories. There are many unimportant things in this parable which are only in the background; others stand out on the surface, and with one or two of these I want to deal briefly.

I. The Scene …

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The Secret Of Christian Experience

By Dr. John G. Mitchell

Preached at the Sunday Morning Service of The Moody Church on February 8, 1953.

What is real, genuine Christian experience?

I might take an example from any chapter of the book of Philippians which would give us the secret of Christian experience. I could take chapter 1, verses 20 and 21: “So now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

I know we generally quote that as “for me to live is Christ,” but it is really, “for me …

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The Jealousy Of God

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Sermon preached at The Moody Church, Sunday morning, January 25, 1953

When I spoke to you about the Christian and worship from the Old Testament story of Abraham and Isaac, I showed you something of what is involved in Christian discipleship: the price a man or woman must pay if they would walk with God and be used by Him. It is left to every individual to make the choice, whether they will walk with God or choose another path. May people who have faced the cost of this kind of thing rather think that it's too big a price …

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