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Resources About Sin (Sexual)

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The Moody Church's theological position regarding sexual sins.


The Loss Of Innocence

We can be a community in which we can accept one another despite our shame—because all of us have done things of which we’re ashamed.


Lust In The Eyes

To cultivate lust in the heart like this is monstrous to you, to them, to everyone.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I had a good marriage but I became unfaithful.

I know God has forgiven me, but Pastor Lutzer, why is …


Well Ronald, first of all I’d like to say that sexual sin is very serious and people oftentimes underestimate the …

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Sermon Series

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secrets—secrets that destroy their souls. These messages not only diagnose the problem they also give a prescription for those who seek hope and healing. Here is a positive hope that life can be different; God stands by to help us with our struggles.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


Can a calling that the Lord has for a person be rescinded if they become ensnared in a sin like …


Well you know, this is an excellent question and it’s being asked by many pastors and Christian leaders.

And I …

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Freedom From Sexual Sin

Sadly, some believers sincerely question whether or not viewing pornography is wrong at all. But the Scriptures are blunt (Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 1 John 2:16; Philippians 4:8; Hebrews 13:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-6). God’s standard is purity of heart, for such shall see God (Matthew 5:8). The only way to find freedom from sexual bondage is by utilizing the resources that God has given us—the Word and the Church. We believe that although one can fall into the trap of pornography without any help, we cannot come out of this unclean practice without help from others. People who minister … Read More >
