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God Is In Control—But Where Was He?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

"When the dead are counted, the number will be more than we can bear,” said Mayor Giuliani. And so it is, the number 5,500 is more than we can bear.

Why did God not protect Washington and New York City?

The same question was asked back in A.D. 410, when Aleric the Goth overpowered the guards at the Salarian Gate and trashed the City of Rome. The citizens were angry, and blamed the disaster on the God of the Christians. They insisted that their own pagan gods would have done a better job of defending the city; but now the …

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Your Prayers Count: Praying For The President

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Cross Can Do What Politics Can’t

I hope you enjoy this edition of the Moody Church Radio News. We want to keep you up to date on God’s blessing on your ministry through Moody Church Radio. Many friends have written, asking about our broadcasts, or wanting to know more about The Moody Church. These pages are sent to you with the prayer that our relationship with you will be strengthened, and that you will be free to contact us if we can be of help to you in some way.

As we begin with a new administration in Washington, …

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