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Resources About New Age Movement

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Information about the New Age Movement and how it deceives even Christians.


Knowledge From The Dark Side

Satan wants this generation to believe that it’s possible to die without faith in Jesus and still have a happy experience after death.

Sermon Series

The New Age Movement

Looking for the dawning of an age of peace and harmony, followers of the New Age Movement have become awakened to a spiritual mix of reincarnation, astrology, transcendental meditation, visualization, harmonic convergence, and other mind-expanding philosophies. How should the Christian respond? In these messages, Pastor Lutzer addresses this dangerous spiritual …

Sermon Series

The Invisible World

Things are not what they appear to be. Behind the world of our senses—the world we see and touch—there is a spiritual universe that can only be explored by studying the Scriptures. This unseen world, inhabited by God, angels, and demons, affects us as both physical and spiritual beings. The …


Babylon: City Of Occult

Babylon was a city that was built in rebellion against the Almighty and contrary to what He had specified.


The Future Is Here

It is much better to be divided by the truth than to be united by error.

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