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How To Awaken Fresh Interest In Our Churches

By Dwight L. Moody

Sermon given by The Moody Church’s founder: D.L. Moody. Date unknown. This message appeared in The Moody Church News in July/August 1965.

“How to awaken fresh interest in our churches?” It is a most important question. There is not a Christian man or woman but ought to be interested in it. What is more, we ought to take it to heart, because not only our own families are interested in this matter, but all those about us. If the church is cold and formal, there is no chance of reaching the young people—that is sure; and what we want today, …

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Love Minus Love Equals Nothing

By Dr. George Sweeting

Love is the missing link in the world today. Love is the cure-all medicine for our sin-sick generation. By the word “love” we do not mean a fleshly love of the opposite sex, but a divine love shared by those who know the Lord. Love is the foundation of all that is worthwhile.

Love for one’s country is the foundation of a nation. Without this love everyone becomes a law to himself, and unity and strength are dissipated. A nation minus love equals self-destruction.

Love for each member of the family is the basis of the home and a sample …

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I Will Not Leave You Comfortless

By Dwight L. Moody

To me it is a sweet thought that Christ has not left us alone in this dark wilderness here below. Although He has gone up on high, and taken His seat by the Father’s throne, He has not left us comfortless. The better translation is, “I will not leave you orphans.” He did not leave Joseph when they cast him into prison. “God was with him.” When Daniel was cast into the den of lions, they had to put the Almighty in with him. They were so bound together that they could not be separated, and so God went down …

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That Ye Love One Another

By Dr. William Culbertson

“Thus saith Jehovah, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”—Jeremiah 6:16

Periodically it does us good to look back, to remind ourselves of the mighty movings of God in the past, but we must not remain there. We must in some way under God relate what has happened in the past to that which can and must occur in the present if we are to know the touch of God upon us.

It seems to me that there …

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Our Commitment

By Dr. H. Wilbert Norton

Sermon preached by Dr. H. Wilbert Norton on December 6, 1964.

Our prayer has been, “speak to my heart today.” One hundred years ago a young man heard God speak to his heart, and The Moody Church became a reality. He became a witness to Jesus Christ throughout Chicago, the Midwest, the United States, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

In commemorating the response of this young to the voice of God speaking to his own heart and life, this church has accepted a statement reaffirming its faith in the One Who was the heart of the message …

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