Resources About Fasting
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Browse by Scripture
Desperate Praying
Fasting affirms a life of continuing obedience.
Secret Fasting
Fasting helps us develop a deeper intimacy with the Most High.
Is Fasting Just About Food?
Fasting is only biblically correlated with abstinence from food, but there is no doubt that fasting can be practiced more broadly. The core issue then becomes, “Does a lack of direct biblical reference prohibit us from fasting from other pursuits and activities?” Perhaps we can gain some insight into this by considering the general principle of giving. Throughout Scripture, we find examples of giving money, food, animals, and land. Should this prohibit us from giving other things? Christian lawyers and doctors often give time and free health care to needy families. It’s not uncommon for people to give away cars, … Read More >
Ask Pastor Lutzer
- Q:
Over the years, I’ve heard so many different ways of fasting.
Some say you can’t eat or drink anything during …
- A:
Well Tommy, I want to thank you for your question because there are many Christians today who never fast, and …
The Discipline Of Prayer And Fasting
We can forgo the physical because we have inner spiritual resources.
Sermon Series
Disciplines That Grow Godliness
Biblical disciplines serve a marvelous purpose in the lives of believers. When we devote concentrated time to activities which glorify our God and Father, we inevitably find ourselves drawn into a more intimate knowledge and understanding of who He is and how He relates to us.
When You Fast
Fasting isn’t about appetite suppression, it’s about cultivating our appetites for the things of God.

CD Series
Sharing Secrets With God
Our love for the Lord should be made known among all. However, the Bible also describes how God seeks a personal, secret relationship with us that others do not see. … See More >