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Resources About Love of God

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Materials to help us understand the love that God lavishes upon us.

Sermon Series

Christians, Politics, And The Cross

Throughout its turbulent history, the Church has often been diverted from its primary mission. The lure of taking side-roads is tempting, especially in the face of a degenerating culture. We must ask difficult questions and turn to the Bible for answers. In this series, Pastor Erwin Lutzer helps us do …


The Logos

If you’re loved by Jesus, nothing else matters.


The Gift We Can’t Live Without

Don’t ever think that you can go to heaven without having the righteousness of Christ and being as righteous as God.

Sermon Series

Loved By Jesus

What does it mean to be loved by Jesus? To best answer this, we must first know who Jesus is and what He did for us. Only then can we truly know what it means to be loved by Jesus. Through this 38-week study on the book of John, Pastor …


The Power Of Prayer

We can come boldly and confidently to God in prayer through Jesus Christ because of our faith in Him.


A Tested Faith

When God wants to expose the idols in our lives, He sometimes chooses what is most precious to test us.


The Tri-Unity Of God

Those who believe in the Son are invited to participate in the relationship of the Trinity.

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