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What To Do About Discouragement

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

All of us know what it means to be discouraged. Researchers tell us that over four million people a year need treatment for extreme discouragement, the kind that can wreck your life and even drive you to suicide. In fact, doctors tell us that there are at least 20,000 suicides annually from “undetected depression.”

We know that discouragement comes, but what should we do about it? Should we change our situation and hope that a new location will mean a new beginning? There are dozens of pills on the market for fighting depression (they are called “mood elevators”); is that …

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Wanted: A Shepherd

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

The old “Candid Camera” television program was not always funny, but sometimes it was quite educational. I recall one situation they set up in an exclusive high school in New York. They gave all the students vocational aptitude tests and then called them into the office one by one. A fine looking fellow came in and sat down at the counselor’s desk to get the report on his test. Of course, he was sure he would be chosen to be president of a corporation or a banker or a broker. But the counselor said, “Son, your test shows that you …

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The Meaning Of Membership

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

One of the chief concerns among Christians today is renewal in the church. We are seeing a new emphasis on the Holy Spirit and on spiritual gifts. Of course, there are some extremes and excesses; but there are also some genuine works going on to the glory of God.

The New Testament churches were characterized by excitement and fulfillment. As you read the Book of Acts, for example, you meet men and women who were excited about their faith, sharing it with others, and experiencing a real fulfillment in their own lives. This is because the early church knew …

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Finally, Brethren, Farewell!

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

This is my last message in The Moody Church News as Senior Pastor of the church. I want to use Paul’s words in the last chapter of 2 Corinthians as the basis for this message. Of course, I must point out that the conditions in the Corinthian church do not parallel those in The Moody Church! How I praise God for the unity of heart and the devotion to the Word that we have in our fellowship.

But the spiritual principles Paul deals with do apply to us, just as they did to the believers in Corinth. In Paul’s “farewell …

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The Word Of Prophecy

By Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe

The world is once again interested in prophecy. People are afraid to face the future, and they ignorantly grasp every straw that comes along. Our bookstores have shelves filled with books on Satan worship, fortune telling, black magic, and prophecy.

The Christian does not have to get his information from Hell, because God has given us “the sure Word of prophecy.” When the Bible was first written, at least one-fourth of it was prophetic. In fact, one of the outstanding proofs of the divine inspiration of the Bible is the fact of fulfilled prophecy.

Peter exhorts us to “take heed” …

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