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Resources About Sin

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Information on what sin is, how it can control us, and how we can be rid of it.

Sermon Series

The Power Of A Clear Conscience

Many Christians find it impossible to move forward in serving the Lord because of a nagging conscience—either because of personal failures or because of guilt inherited from their upbringing. With a heart that condemns them, they find it difficult to have confidence in God and His promises.  This sermon series …


Knowledge From The Dark Side

Satan wants this generation to believe that it’s possible to die without faith in Jesus and still have a happy experience after death.

Sermon Series

The Ten Commandments

In one of the pinnacle events of history, Almighty God manifested Himself to Moses and the Israelites on an obscure desert mountain. With a spectacular display of power and glory, God wrote His universal law on tablets of stone to be preserved for all generations.

Sermon Series

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secrets—secrets that destroy their souls. These messages not only diagnose the problem they also give a prescription for those who seek hope and healing. Here is a positive hope that life can be different; God stands by to help us with our struggles.

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