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Dealing With Anxiety

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Living with Anxiety and Winning

Someone has said that people live their lives “crucified between two thieves—the regrets of yesterday and the anxieties of tomorrow.”

The word worry means ‘to be torn in two.’ And that is exactly what anxiety does—it tears us apart. Our bodies might obediently go in one direction, but our minds are somewhere else. The result is that we live with tension; we cannot sleep and we cannot enjoy the present moment. Worry causes us to work against ourselves and hinders our fellowship with God.

Don’t you wish that you could worry say, from 8:00 pm …

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Who Can You Trust?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The subject of trust, or rather lack of trust, is in the headlines these days. I’m writing at a time when new allegations of sexual abuse by priests are being reported every day. Hundreds of people are coming forward to say that someone they trusted — indeed, someone who supposedly represented the highest degree of integrity — deceived them.

We’ve all heard of the Enron debacle. We are told that when the wealthy knew the ship was sinking, they bailed out on well-endowed life rafts and left the common investor to float on the open sea. One retiree said that …

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What Is The Gospel?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Manger and the Cross

Everyone loves the baby in the manger.

There is something endearing about the story of Mary and Joseph making the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem only to discover that there was no room in the inn. We can almost see the disappointment in Mary’s face when she is told that she will have to “deliver” or “give birth to” the baby in a stable. Even the most hardened heart is touched.

The baby Himself is a threat to no one, eliciting nothing but nostalgia and compassion. No wonder Christmas is so popular even among those …

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Islam Unveiled

By Erwin W. Lutzer

How to Witness to a Muslim

You don’t have to cross an ocean to witness to Muslims. There are at least four million Muslims in America, and their numbers are growing.

The fact is that most Muslims in America are open to talking about their religion, and willing to engage us regarding Christianity, if only we show them respect and true friendship. Just as we would resent those who would demean our religion, so they resent those who approach them with an attitude of superiority or condemnation. Love opens the door to dialogue and understanding.

But how should we present …

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