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Suffering For Our Faith In Christ

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Faith At The Breaking Point: Following Christ is costly, but rewarding...are you ready?

How would you react if you were threatened by persecution—especially if you knew friends who were martyred because of their faith in Christ? It’s likely none of us will face that kind of persecution...but we might be banned or blocked on social media; we might lose our jobs because we refuse to celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle; or we might be shunned by coworkers because we refuse to accept our company’s radical diversity policies. I recently spoke with an attorney who’s defending the rights of two women who …

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No Reason To Hide

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Standing for Christ in a Collapsing Culture

Should the church be involved in politics?

I’ve written a book, No Reason To Hide, with the intention of helping all of us think through how we should respond to the collapse of the basic moral and legal framework of the America we once knew. So, yes, this book deals with cultural and political issues.

I’ve often been asked, “Should the church even be involved in politics?” The answer is yes because politics cannot be separated from morality, and morality cannot be separated from Christianity. And if the church has nothing to …

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Uncovering Islam's Agenda For America

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Tipping Point: Uncovering Islam’s Agenda & Restoring Biblical Truth

Our trip to Turkey is still vivid in my mind. In 2009, Rebecca and I visited the sites of the “Seven Churches of Revelation.” In the town of Philadelphia, I remember seeing the ruins of a destroyed church building, but next to it was a beautiful, well-kept mosque. I was thinking, “What did Jesus mean when He assured this first century church in Philadelphia, ‘I have set before you an open door which no one is able to shut’?” (Revelation 3:7). At each of the seven ancient cities, we saw …

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The Unifying Power Of Christmas Music

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Incredible Gift Of The Music Of Christmas: How Messiah Can Unite a Fragmented Church

To a divided church, we pray that the music of Christmas might bring some much-needed healing.

The other day a friend of mine said he believed the church—the evangelical church—did not know “where it was at,” to use his terminology. The reason? Many people have not returned to church since the pandemic. Some have become accustomed to staying at home and watching online; some are angry because their church shut down during the pandemic; others are angry because they think their church was negligent for …

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