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Resources About Dating

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Information for those who are dating. How to remain pure in a relationship, and what to do when dating goes wrong.


God's Grace in Unplanned Pregnancies

Incredibly, on the human level, the salvation of the human race was dependent on a young, single mother. Yes, God entrusted the birth of His Son to a young woman who would then raise Him, doing her best to teach and prepare Him to accept the responsibility of suffering in order to redeem the world. After Joseph married his pregnant bride, he would adopt her child as his own son, and eventually Mary would have other children. But Mary experienced her first pregnancy as an unwed mother.   No wonder we honor Mary. She didn’t sign up for this responsibility. God … Read More >

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’ve been dating a wonderful Christian woman.

I’m in love with her, but she still seems to be in love …


Well Christopher, let me speak to you very clearly and plainly and say that you’re not ready to marry this …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m dating and would like to marry a man whom I’ve known for many years.

We both have a lot …


Arlene, thank you so much for writing to me. And I need to speak to you very plainly because I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’ve been dating a man who’s had previous sexual relationships. We’re happy together, and I’d really like to marry him. …


Well Ruth, from my heart to yours, you have a right to have doubts. If he hasn’t been totally honest …

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Marrying Someone Of A Different Faith

Recently, our church receptionist let me know about a Christian woman who was seeking advice regarding a situation where her grandson was planning to marry a Jehovah’s Witness. I took the time to write a letter to her, and as I was doing so, I thought this could be of help to others facing similar situations. Below are some notes I jotted down for the letter I sent to her. Point One: Marrying someone who is of a different faith is a very bad idea. If anyone thinks they can persuade their future spouse to become a Christian, they’re almost … Read More >

Living With Your Passions Cover


Living With Your Passions

How To Experience Sexual WholenessIn a hyper-sexualized culture, sex is either reduced to pleasure-seeking or conflated with our identity. But God designed us as sexual beings for emotional and … See More >

Ask Pastor Lutzer


Our young adult daughter is dating a professed Christian man who goes to church.

He’s involved with the youth ministry …


First of all, thank you so much for writing. My heart goes out to you because Rebecca and I have …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a 28-year-old daughter who’s madly in love with an older man, about 60, who lost his wife to …


I really do think that your daughter is in a trance here. She’s living in a bubble of unreality.

You …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I haven’t made good choices in my relationships, but now I’ve met a wonderful Christian man I’d like to marry …


Susan, throw that fish back into the lake, all right?

Here’s a man who says he loves you exclusively, and …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m an average 22-year-old guy who’s still a virgin. In today’s society that’s often seen as “pretty pathetic.”

I know …


Well, John, I was so happy to receive your question because I think it’s wonderful that you’re living a pure …

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