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Resources About Dating

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Information for those who are dating. How to remain pure in a relationship, and what to do when dating goes wrong.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’ve been dating a wonderful Christian woman.

I’m in love with her, but she still seems to be in love …


Well Christopher, let me speak to you very clearly and plainly and say that you’re not ready to marry this …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m dating and would like to marry a man whom I’ve known for many years.

We both have a lot …


Arlene, thank you so much for writing to me. And I need to speak to you very plainly because I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’ve been dating a man who’s had previous sexual relationships. We’re happy together, and I’d really like to marry him. …


Well Ruth, from my heart to yours, you have a right to have doubts. If he hasn’t been totally honest …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Our son is being falsely accused of improper conduct toward a teenage girl—the daughter of one of our best friends. …


Well, my dear friends, thank you so much for asking that question. Conflict is always difficult to deal with, and …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My heart is broken. I hoped to spend the rest of my life with my girlfriend.

Two nights ago, when …


Well, Ralph I’m not so sure I have a sermon directly related to broken hearts, but I do have wonderful …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Our young adult daughter is dating a professed Christian man who goes to church.

He’s involved with the youth ministry …


First of all, thank you so much for writing. My heart goes out to you because Rebecca and I have …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a 28-year-old daughter who’s madly in love with an older man, about 60, who lost his wife to …


I really do think that your daughter is in a trance here. She’s living in a bubble of unreality.

You …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I haven’t made good choices in my relationships, but now I’ve met a wonderful Christian man I’d like to marry …


Susan, throw that fish back into the lake, all right?

Here’s a man who says he loves you exclusively, and …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m an average 22-year-old guy who’s still a virgin. In today’s society that’s often seen as “pretty pathetic.”

I know …


Well, John, I was so happy to receive your question because I think it’s wonderful that you’re living a pure …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I don’t think I can forgive the men who’ve taken advantage of me.

My last experience was with a man …


Thank you, Deborah, for feeling free to share your pain with me.

Sadly—this is important for you to know—many men …

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