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Resources About Addiction

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Information on various kinds of addictions, the paths that lead to addictions, and how to overcome addictions.

Sermon Series

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secrets—secrets that destroy their souls. These messages not only diagnose the problem they also give a prescription for those who seek hope and healing. Here is a positive hope that life can be different; God stands by to help us with our struggles.


Alcoholism: Quitting Tomorrow

We need God to escape our addictions, for only He provides perfect forgiveness, acceptance, and fulfillment.

Sermon Series

Why Good People Do Bad Things

Why do good people often act in such selfish, destructive, and evil ways? This series helps us face the truth about ourselves and then introduces us to the marvelous grace and mercy of God. Here we see our self-deceptions, our unwillingness to see our selfishness, and our uncanny ability to …


Breaking The Cycle

You can be changed deep down at the heart level—but only God can do it. And He delights to do it.

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