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Resources About Addiction

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Information on various kinds of addictions, the paths that lead to addictions, and how to overcome addictions.



The Bible bluntly prohibits a number of perverse behaviors, among them is the sin of drunkenness. In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul groups this sin with some terrible company. As believers who recognize drunkenness as an outworking of our flesh, we ought to avoid it with fervency. For some believers, total abstinence is wise and the best course of action. Those who have seen the destruction that alcohol has wrought within their families often rightly shun all association with it. Furthermore, the only sure way to never become an alcoholic is to choose to not drink.     For other believers, drinking in moderation … Read More >


The Renewing Of Your Mind

You give your anxiety to God, but an hour later its weight is back on your shoulders. You ask God to control your temper, but you blow your top. You pray that you will not lust; you even “reckon” yourself to be dead to sinful impulses. But the next day you can’t push that tall blonde out of your mind. You surrender yourself to God. And then so soon, so soon, so easily, revert to your old habits. You mean so well; I mean so well. Yet we fare so poorly. Why? Jesus told a story that illustrates the most … Read More >


A Soul Defiled

The Snare of Pornography Our nation is drowning in a sea of sensuality. About 70% of the time, pornography falls into the hands of children, so when a friend of mine was a teenager and found a stash of his father’s magazines, he began to browse at the pictures. Though he became a Christian in college, the images stayed with him, and so did his habit. He kept his fantasy world intact, making sure that no one found out about his secret pleasure. He both loved pornography and hated it. One man with a similar story said, “I lived like … Read More >
