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2019 V19N1 FlagUnravelingAmerica.jpg

The Flag And The Unraveling Of America

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Dear Friend, 

When I entered the United States as a Canadian citizen back in 1970, I already had respect for the American flag—long before I became a US citizen. I can honestly say that despite the many faults of the United States—and there are many—I am unashamedly proud to be an America; I gladly say The Pledge of Allegiance and love “Old Glory.”

The words in the Pledge, “the Flag of the United States of America,” were intended to make clear to immigrants that his was not the flag of their home country, but a flag intended to represent the …

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How To Share Christ With Freedom And Joy

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Dear Friend, 

Our task to share our faith is not nearly as difficult as we think it is. 

Only God can draw people to Himself, and only He can convict people of their sins. More so, only He can give them the gift of faith.

Yes, we are to be witnesses for Christ. However, we are not called to do God’s work for Him; we only have to point people in the right direction. In this brief article and the Q and A section, I hope to give you a few pointers that will make sharing your faith an experience …

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