Historically speaking, “Trinity” is a term Christians use to describe the unique nature of the God of the Bible. While the Bible attests that there is only one God in essence (Deuteronomy 6:4), each particular person of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is referred to as being fully God (John 1:1, 14; 8:58; Acts 5:3-4).
As advocates for historical Trinitarian theology, we recognize that no definition of God is satisfactory. He cannot be comprehensively categorized or detailed. The orthodox idea of the Trinity protects that mystery, defending the coexisting biblical realities concerning God (one in …
The Moody Church Music Ministry is committed to facilitating worship, fellowship, encouragement, and outreach through a balanced program of music that includes expressions of both the ancient and modern, the eloquent and simple, and the familiar and new. We strive to prepare gatherings for worship that are Christ-exalting, life-transforming, and church unifying. Desiring more than just an inspiring or entertaining experience, we gather to hear the Word of God and respond to Him in worship and obedience.
We believe that the music we prepare each week is more than just another occasion to sing. As God’s people, we gather to …
Some people form such a strong bond with their pets that they’re only comforted when assured that they will see them again in heaven. We must realize that for some, this bonding can be especially strong.
A blind friend of The Moody Church sorrowfully tells about how he held his seeing-eye dog in his arms as he watched him die. Just imagine: for twelve years this dog had risked his own life to care for our friend, leading him safely across streets, up stairs and even into apartment buildings. If he said to the dog, “Moody Church,” the dog understood …
The oft repeated phrase “once saved, always saved” is often criticized as condoning, or encouraging Christians to be lax and even carnal. After all, the argument goes, if people have the assurance that they will be saved regardless of how they live, there is no incentive to live a godly life; Christians can revel in iniquity with impunity. For this reason, the doctrine of eternal security, “once saved, always saved,” has often been better described as “the perseverance of the saints,” that is, true saints will persevere in holiness. They might have lapses in their spiritual journey to be sure, …
The Bible bluntly prohibits a number of perverse behaviors, among them is the sin of drunkenness. In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul groups this sin with some terrible company. As believers who recognize drunkenness as an outworking of our flesh, we ought to avoid it with fervency. For some believers, total abstinence is wise and the best course of action. Those who have seen the destruction that alcohol has wrought within their families often rightly shun all association with it. Furthermore, the only sure way to never become an alcoholic is to choose to not drink.
Arising out of Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:31, the subject of the unpardonable sin has been repeatedly twisted, undermining the confidence of believers. Contextually speaking, Matthew 12 is couched in the common confrontation between Christ and the Jewish leaders (the familiar term is “brood of vipers”). In chapter 12, Jesus had freed a man from the power of a demon. This dramatic event caused a vicious reaction from the Pharisees, who accused Jesus of performing His miracles by the power of Beelzebub (Satan).
Jesus responds to this outlandish affront by condemning their accusations. He who has perfect communion with the …
Before beginning a discussion on election, we want our intentions to be clear: since this doctrine has created so much controversy and has been frequently misunderstood, we do not want our understanding of it to be a means of division, but rather a means of unifying believers as we grapple with God’s sovereign purposes and plan. Since we are called to unashamedly preach the Word of God, we want to speak frankly about a doctrine that should elicit both humility and worship among believers. May those who differ with us not judge our intentions or our passion for reaching the …
My most important book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent—an informed response to Islam’s war with Christianity, was released by Harvest Publishers early in this new year.
I began writing this book several years ago after Rebecca and I toured Turkey, visiting the cities where the seven churches of Revelation were located. Of course, those churches disappeared in the early centuries, but Turkey (biblical Asia Minor) maintained a distinct Christian presence until Islam came and conquered the city of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453. Churches were destroyed or transformed into mosques; …
Throughout history, the mode of burial has been culturally dictated. No method is biblically mandated, however, in early Jewish culture, bodies of the dead were often allowed to decompose until only their bones remained. The bones would then be placed in the family “bone box.” When the Scriptures speak of men going to “rest with their fathers,” their bones literally did!
By the time of Jesus, the culture had adopted the use of individual bone boxes known as ossuaries. When Jesus was laid in the tomb, it likely was to precede His eventual placement in an ossuary. Praise God that …
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight; but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”—Hebrews 4:12-13
The words of great men are treasures. We read books to find out what they said. We look into the papers and magazines to learn the …