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Our Foundation

By A.C. Dixon, D.D.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.—Hebrews 6:1-2

Foundational Principles

Last Sunday our subject was “Perfection” as defined in the Scriptures. Today we will consider the foundational principles which everyone must have before he can “go on to perfection.” Last Sunday it was the building; today it is the foundation which the building leaves without …

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Our Relation To Other Churches - Part 2

By J.M. Hitchcock

In the February issue of this paper, under this same caption, I tried to show the origin of our church. Who cares to know his church ancestry will find it in this former article, where it is shown that the North Market Hall Sunday School grew into an independent church as naturally and inevitably as boys grow into men.

It is true that our church in its governmental relations is wholly independent of any and all other organizations, but this was simply an incident as shown in the former narrative. It is not true, never was, and never will be …

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Our Relation To Other Churches - Part 1

By J.M. Hitchcock

It were well for every domestic household to know its own family genealogy. The Moody Church ought to be much more familiar than it is with its genesis. The few historical sketches of the church found here and there are necessarily so brief, so fragmentary and incomplete as to be little more than misleading.

It is no marvel that Christian men and women outside our flock should be interested to know our relationship to the churches about us. Our own membership should be able without confusion to give intelligently this information. D.L. Moody in his mature years was without doubt …

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Avis B. Christiansen

By Anonymous

With Rhyme and Reason: A Word Portrait of Avis B. Christiansen

Many a lost soul has been won to the Lord by wandering over the cobblestones of memory’s lane and hearing again the sweet hymns of the church. When the roll is finally called up yonder, Avis B. Christiansen will find stars in her crown never dreamed of. As poetess and hymn writer, her inspired words have brought easing of pain to broken hearts and, through the Holy Spirit, helped to work the miracle of salvation in many others.

Mrs. Christiansen has both the rhyme and the reason for expressing …

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William Whiting Borden

By Beulah Bishop

A Brief Sketch of William Whiting Borden by Beulah Bishop

An unusual man, William Whiting Borden was born to material wealth; was naturally endowed with exceptional gifts—great mental powers, rare qualities of character, and vigorous physical strength. His future in any field of endeavor would have been promising. But it was as a very young boy (seven years of age) that he stood during a life-consecration service in The Moody Church. He was very young—and he stood a long time—this little boy in a blue sailor suit; but from the decision made then, Borden was never to waver. That decision …

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John Harper's Last Convert

By Erwin W. Lutzer

John Harper’s Last Convert - Sharing the Gift of Christmas One Minute before You Die

When I became pastor of The Moody Church in 1980, I knew one of the church rooms was named Harper Hall in memory of the Scottish evangelist who was on a journey to The Moody Church but drowned when the Titanic sank in April 1912. Only recently, however, did I learn the full story of this remarkable man.

Harper’s reputation as an evangelist was so well known that he was invited to speak at The Moody Church in 1910. I have in my possession a …

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When Good Marriages Go Bad

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Why Good Marriages Go Bad

I have witnessed many marriages I believed to be good, go bad—filled with rancor, immorality, divorce, and the like. What a far cry from the wedding day, when the bride and groom believed there were no difficulties they could not conquer with love — and they fully expected to live happily ever after!

In my observation, several root causes surface after marriage, some of which could have been anticipated before the “I do’s” were said. Love—or what passes for love—often blinds us to the realities of who a potential spouse really is. So what are …

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How Should A Christian Vote?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Voting with a Christian Conscience

I believe the evangelical church has finally been forced to conclude we cannot depend upon politics to turn this country around, bring us back to biblical principles, or reverse the anti-Christian bigotry developing in the courts, the media, and the wider culture. Only the church, armed with the Gospel, is able to bring lasting change in the hearts and lives of people. God’s House—and not the White House—holds the key to the future of our nation.

If there’s ever been a time for the church to stand tall, it’s today—whether it’s with or without support …

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Facing The Challenge To Our Families

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Leaving a Spiritual Legacy

Consider the impact of lives well lived.

In this issue, we honor the family, affirming parents in their crucial role in leaving a godly legacy for future generations. The experts tell us what we already know: troubled children grow up in broken families and well-adjusted children grow up in a secure and affirming home environment. Thankfully, there are many exceptions, but we can almost predict the lifestyle of a child by his or her home environment. Without question, the spiritual and moral climate of our nation is determined by the moral and spiritual climate of our …

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How Do We Trust God In A Collapsing Economy?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Can You Trust God in a Collapsing Economy?

As I write this article the news media is flooded with stories about the possibility—or reality—of a recession. The rising price of energy has combined with the sub-prime loan crisis to create a domino effect that is reverberating through all the branches of the economy. Like pulling a thread from a sock, when one part of the economy unravels, all other parts suffer, too. Like it or not, we are all affected.

You either are going through your own economic slump or you know someone who is. So, how do you trust …

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