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Prelude To Terror

By Erwin W. Lutzer

ISIS, Antichrist, and the Great Tribulation: Biblical Prophecies Explored!

We live in a world where ISIS brutally murdered thirteen teenagers…for watching a soccer match on television because they might be exposed to western ideas and ideologies.

The reports of these unspeakable atrocities flood our hearts and minds almost daily…babies beheaded, women and children killed, and young girls and older women raped repeatedly.

In fact, one young woman I saw on the news was begging to be killed, because she and her friends thought they would be better off. She told chilling stories of how they were being repeatedly raped, whipped, …

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God's Grace in Unplanned Pregnancies

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Incredibly, on the human level, the salvation of the human race was dependent on a young, single mother. Yes, God entrusted the birth of His Son to a young woman who would then raise Him, doing her best to teach and prepare Him to accept the responsibility of suffering in order to redeem the world. After Joseph married his pregnant bride, he would adopt her child as his own son, and eventually Mary would have other children. But Mary experienced her first pregnancy as an unwed mother.  

No wonder we honor Mary. She didn’t sign up for this responsibility. God …

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Pastor Lutzer Poised To Assume Wider Media Role

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Pastor Lutzer Explains His New Media Role and Opportunities Ahead

My wife, Rebecca, and I have always prayed that God would lead us in His will, and He has been faithful in giving us clear direction throughout our lives. This has been especially true in the past few months as we have been challenged to step into a new role that will enable me to give more attention to our growing Media Ministry. I look forward to devoting more time to you, our faithful listeners.

During the past few months I have been greatly encouraged by the impact of Running …

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Race, Riots & Reconciliation

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Due to recent events, we wanted to share an article that Pastor Lutzer wrote back in March of 2015 on "Race, Riots, and Reconciliation."

In recent months, our nation has been torn apart by racial riots in cities such as Ferguson, New York City, and Baltimore. By the time this newsletter goes to press, perhaps another city will be under siege, subjected to riots that will heighten outrage and damage property.

Unfortunately, the rioters assume guilt on the part of the police without the officers having the opportunity of due process. Perhaps the best example is Officer Darren Wilson of …

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The Great Divide: Same-Sex Marriage And The Evangelical Christian

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Great Divide, as geologists call it, is a rocky ridge that runs from the mountains in Alaska all the way through South America. The water on the west side of the Divide runs into the Pacific Ocean; the water on the east side finds its way toward the Atlantic. Water that at one time was flowing in the same river is now separated, and never again the twain shall meet.

The decision of the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states has confronted us with our own great divide: on the one side are those who …

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