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1956-12 Road to Revival.jpg

The Road To Revival

By Dr. Alan Redpath

I suppose first and foremost, that a church fellowship has been called into being in order that, through every one of its members redeemed by the blood of Christ and indwelt by His Spirit, there might be made manifest through the church the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, that whether you be in workshop or factory, home, business, hospital, wherever it may be, whenever others come in contact with you and me they should be conscious that they are in the presence of Christ who indwells us. Then surely, a church, a fellowship is called together in order that …

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The Principles Of Growth

By Dr. Alan Redpath

He shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2).

This thing that ought to concern us more than anything else in the Christian life, both for ourselves individually and for our church, is constantly to be seeking to recognize evidences of growth. As we look back upon life, as we trace the milestone of spiritual experiences, to what extent can we see that there has been growth? …

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Eternal Distinction

By Eric Crichton

In the first thirteen verses of Matthew 25, we find recorded one of the final public messages of our Lord’s earthly ministry.

Before looking at the actual substance of this passage, we should note two particular things about it.

First—our Lord is here speaking about the kingdom of heaven (verse 1). This expression “the kingdom of heaven” is an inclusive term embracing all of Christendom. It includes the church visible, i.e., the organized church throughout the world and it includes the church invisible, i.e., the true church, the mystical body of Christ.

Second—in speaking of the kingdom of heaven, our …

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A Call To The Church

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes of a message given in The Moody Church on January 1, 1956, based on Revelation chapters two and three.

In a previous study in this book we looked at the full-length portrait of Christ in chapter 1—the appointed Judge by whom one day God will judge the world in righteousness.

As we are thinking especially in these studies of the judgments of God, we are reminded of the words of Peter (1 Peter 4:17), “Judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not …

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