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1956-05 Sequel Temptation.jpg

The Sequel To Temptation

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes of the third of three messages on temptation.

In previous articles we have considered the inclusive scope of the temptation of our Lord. Every area of it we can ever know He has faced. Then we saw how He silenced the tempter in every realm, seeing him retreat vanquished, and Jesus coming out unscathed.

Now let us look at the sequel to this great combat. Try to forget just for a moment what you know about our Lord’s subsequent life, and see Him now at the end of the temptation. Satan has withdrawn and Jesus is left alone. He …

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The Scope Of Temptation

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes on the first of three messages on temptation.

Let us give serious consideration to this passage of Scripture, containing an account, which must have been given by our Lord Himself, of the temptation He endured in the wilderness. We see Him emerging from thirty years of private life. Surely He had known temptation there, too, and often Satan must have flung his insinuating darts into His mind concerning the love of God and the unfairness of God who allowed His Son to suffer such poverty. But upon those thirty years the Father has smiled with satisfaction and said, “This …

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Silencing The Tempter

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes of the second of three messages on temptation.

We considered last month the tremendous scope of the temptation of our Lord—not an area that touches us that has not first touched Him, and been overthrown by Him. Therefore He has the answer to every battle any of us ever have to fight. 

Now we are to think of the way in which He silenced the tempter; how He hurled back every fiery dart, and emerged from the conflict utterly victorious. I believe that the devil would have avoided that encounter if he could. It is not the record of …

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The Judgments Of God

By Dr. Alan Redpath

The Appointed Judge (Revelation Chapter One)

In commencing a series of messages based on the book of Revelation, it is important to make one or two preliminary observations. We must be careful that we don’t miss seeing the wood for the trees, and lose the great message of the book in grappling with points of interpretation.

I. Setting Of The Book.

It is the one prophetic book of the New Testament. The Bible, which began with the story of creation, soon records the fact of the Fall, and then there follows the long story of human sin into which is …

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Prayer: The Christian's Weapon

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes of an address given by Pastor Alan Redpath at the Church House, Westminster, during the World Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer, 1950.

I am sure that there is an increasing recognition on the part of the church as a whole that evangelism must take a predominant part in her life. There are widely different meanings, of course, which are given to that word evangelism, but, nevertheless, I see signs everywhere that the church is rising to the recognition of the fact that she must witness to Christ. And, furthermore, she is rising increasingly to a recognition of the fact …

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Gifts Of An Ascended Lord

By Dr. Alan Redpath

The ascension of our Lord Jesus was a climax to His life here on Earth. He entered into heaven in His own right, in the merit of His own perfection. He bore the marks of sin and suffering, for He who ascended into the hill of the Lord to stand in His holy place had clean hands and a pure heart; but they were wounded hands and it was a broken heart. The only way to the Throne was by the Cross, but the only outcome of the Cross was the crowning of Jesus as Lord.

So He received that …

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Essential Equipment

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.”—Acts 1:8

This is the first of a series of messages from the book called “The Acts of the Apostles.” My purpose is not that we should study the early missionary career of the church of the New Testament, but that we should discover the secret of her power. From many angles this book is of great value to us. It has a historical value because, as a book of history, it is authentic, but as such it is merely a fragment.

You may read this book through and …

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The Moody Church Story

By Paul White

The story of The Moody Church is the story of a man, a mission, a movement, and a memorial, the secret of which has been the power of the Spirit of the Living God fulfilling His purpose through many yielded instruments. Dwight Lyman Moody was the man. His personal ministry, beginning with a few poor, ragged children in the alleys of Chicago, and extending indirectly around the world, is the mission; the founding, growth and activity of a great church, the movement; and that church’s present existence the memorial, a fitting monument to a spiritual giant, who, hearing it said, …

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A Biographical Sketch Of Dr. Reuben Archer Torrey

By Bernard R. DeRemer

This year the Christian world celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. R.A. Torrey, who was renowned as a fervent prayer warrior, a personal soul winner, and a powerful revivalist. In a very real sense, as the mantle of Elijah fell upon Elisha, so Dr. Torrey was the successor of D.L. Moody. Torrey headed the new Bible Institute founded by Moody through its formative years; pastored the church Moody founded; and followed Moody in the field of world evangelism.

Torrey was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, on January 28, 1856. He grew up in a wealthy home, attended …

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The Impossibility Of Retreat

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“I have opened my mouth unto the Lord and I cannot go back.”—Judges 11:35

The story of Jephthah is no doubt familiar to many of you. He began life as an illegitimate child, born in sin, and later was turned out of the home by his half-brothers who refused to have anything to do with him because they did not want him to share in their inheritance. Yet, as in the case of Moses, Joseph and David, this man, cast out and rejected by others, was accepted, used, and blessed by God.

Jephthah gathered round him a group of men …

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