When a person professes faith in Jesus Christ, God does more than save us from sin and death. He saves us to dynamic service within His arm of ministry—the worldwide church. At the direction of the Father, the Holy Spirit dispenses spiritual gifts to empower every believer so that we might effectively contribute toward the growth and vitality of the church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Since Pentecost, one of the most controversial gifts of the Spirit has been “speaking in tongues.”
What exactly are these tongues? As with most biblical topics, the first mention of it should dictate our interpretation of …
We recognize that the Decalogue represents God’s moral law, which is omni-temporal, that is, it is applicable for not just the Old Testament era but also for the New. That being said, we believe that there is an important distinction that must be made regarding the Sabbath day.
In the New Testament, we discover that the Old Testament teaching about observing days is no longer applicable. No day of the week is more special than another according to passages such as Colossians 2:17 which expresses our freedom from such particular observances. Also, …
Can a true Christian commit suicide? If so, does that jeopardize their salvation?
Note: If you or a loved one are considering this horrific act of suicide, we plead with you to go for help. Please quickly consult with your local church leadership for assistance and ongoing support.
Before addressing the issue of suicide, we must distinguish it from acts of self-sacrifice. No doubt we are familiar with stories of men and women who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of another. For example, a soldier who falls on a grenade to save a civilian from death is not considered …
The Bible not only presents divine ideals but also sin-caused realities. In the Old Testament, divorce and remarriage were permitted under specific regulations. The question is whether or not any of these guidelines are applicable today within the context of the New Testament. Two instances demonstrate that divorce can, under certain conditions, be considered scriptural today.
1. When One Partner Develops a Pattern of Sexual Immorality
Christ said, “And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, (fornication) and marries another, commits adultery” (Matthew 19:9). Several observations should be noted:
Throughout the Christian life, we are faced with questions. We hope that these brief biblical responses to pastoral and theological issues, as well as questions that are frequently asked about day-to-day life, will prove helpful.
If you are seeking direction concerning a personal circumstance in your life, you may find some guidance among these responses. However, we strongly encourage you to utilize your local church leadership for face-to-face advice and biblical counsel.
Some of the issues are not considered core doctrines of Christianity. While we advocate the viewpoints expressed, we understand that some believers may disagree based upon interpretive or …
“Tired nature’s sweet restorer, balmy sleep,” is essential to the health and vigor of body and mind. But our moral and spiritual natures need no sleep. Love, faith, hope, humility need never slumber. Hence in Heaven we shall be able to serve God day and night. The spiritual will have the supremacy. The untiring will be forever active.
In the 9th verse of the previous chapter Israel is trying to wake up Jehovah. “Awake, awake; put on strength, O arm of the Lord.” The words of our text is God’s answer to that prayer. “Awake, awake; put on thy strength, …
Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” Heaven is, therefore, a locality. In just what part of the universe it is located, we do not know. Astronomers say that all the stars and planets seem to be revolving around a great distant center. That center may be heaven. It is not this earth, for then Jesus would have said, “I remain to prepare a place for you.” When He said, “I go,” He meant that He would leave the earth for some other place.
It is a cosmopolitan place. “I beheld, and lo, a great multitude which …
This word which is translated “Praise ye the Lord,” occurs, as I have counted, twenty-four times in the Book of Psalms, and four times in the nineteenth chapter of Revelation making twenty-eight times altogether in the Bible. In the Psalms it is the Hallelujah of earth and in Revelation it is the Hallelujah of heaven. It is a word which cannot be translated by one word in any other language, and is, therefore, transferred. It is the same in Greek, Latin, German, French, Italian, Dutch and English. It looks as if all nations were practicing for the Hallelujah chorus of …
God is purposeful. He has reasons for allowing this recession to come to America. No doubt He has many purposes, but surely one of His primary goals is the spiritual growth of His people. If we miss what He wants to teach us, we will only become cynical and begin to doubt His love and care.
The first lesson is the most obvious: He wants us to learn that He is with us not just during prosperity but also in times of adversity. When there was famine in the land and Isaac …
The subject of trust, or rather lack of trust, is in the headlines these days. I’m writing at a time when new allegations of sexual abuse by priests are being reported every day. Hundreds of people are coming forward to say that someone they trusted — indeed, someone who supposedly represented the highest degree of integrity — deceived them.
We’ve all heard of the Enron debacle. We are told that when the wealthy knew the ship was sinking, they bailed out on well-endowed life rafts and left the common investor to float on the open sea. One retiree said that …