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The Scriptures plainly teach two genders, male and female, and only two modes of sexuality: celibate singleness and marriage between one man and one woman. Singleness, the state highly praised by Paul, is to be pursued for the glory of God without offering occasion for any sort of sexual immorality, including premarital (or post-marital) intercourse and pornography (1 Corinthians 7:8-9). The second option is marriage between a man and a woman. Marriage ought to be pursued and celebrated with utmost fidelity, abstaining from sins such as adultery, pornography, and polygamy (Hebrews 13:4).  

Upon a complete survey of Scriptures, LGBT sexuality is not compatible with a biblical worldview (Romans 1:18-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The argument of modern society that “God made me this way” does not absolve human beings from personal responsibility. Whether or not a “gay-gene” has been found is irrelevant, for God still holds men and women accountable for their behavior, even as a thief is still responsible for stealing even if he might insist that he was born with a “kleptomaniac gene.”

We are responsible for our behavior even if it is genetically motivated. Surely homosexuals don’t want to say that their genes have rendered them helpless robots, incapable of human choice about their behavior. Even if men and women are born with genetic predispositions toward LGBT sexuality, it does not undermine their responsibility toward God and His moral guidance.

Finally, how should we respond? Our answer should always be rooted in love, reminding ourselves that we are all sinners and stand in need of personal redemption. At the same time we must hold to the biblical standard of conduct, fleeing from all forms of immorality. We also believe that God frequently delivers people from homosexuality even as the Scriptures affirm. However, in those instances where the predisposition to homosexuality remains, we must challenge such individuals to live celibate lives, even as single heterosexuals are commanded to do. 

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