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About War And The Military

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Sin brings conflict. Soon after Adam and Eve sinned, we have the account of Cain’s murderous behavior toward Abel. Without the presence of sin and evil, war and conflict would be foreign to us, as they will one day be when we enter the new heaven and the new earth (Revelation 21:4). That being said, should Christians ever be involved in a war in which the enemy is being mercilessly killed?

That God commanded the Israelites to go to war to kill their enemies is clear enough, but does this justify present-day believers to fight for their country? Are we …

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Is Judging Ever Appropriate?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Judging bears a negative connotation among most of the population. When we think about the idea of judging, we conjure up images of heated theological arguments and memories of condescending comments. Also, we remember how “judging” has historically escalated to injustice, tragedy, and violence. But is all judging wrong or sinful?  

We all judge. Some do more than others, but we all judge. If we know someone who routinely ignores stop signs, our courts would pass judgment. As believers, we repeatedly form and share judgments both small and large throughout each day. It’s a fact of life. 

The act of …

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Different Forms Of Church Government

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Biblically, the church is described in numerous ways. On one hand, we observe that the local church is a living organism—an expression of the body of Christ. On the other, we know that the church is an organization set up by Christ and regulated by the guidelines commanded throughout the Scriptures. As a divinely commissioned organization, God has ordained leadership to spur on growth, purity, outreach, and holiness. Throughout history, three primary systems of church government have dominated the ideological spectrum of Christian leadership. 

Episcopal Government

As early as the Apostolic Father Ignatius (the bishop of Antioch until the beginning …

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Body Piercing, Tattoos, And Cosmetic Surgery

By Erwin W. Lutzer

We belong to God by reason of creation; we also now belong to God by reason of redemption. In effect, we are "twice God’s," for we can claim nothing of our own. The implications are clear: We do not have the right to say, “This is my body, I can do what I want with it.” I have no more a right to do what I want with my own body than I have the right to do what I want with the money loaned to me by a friend who is expecting a return on his investment. …

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Tips For Bible Study

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Approaching the Word of God can be daunting. Some are immediately discouraged by the size, complexity, or vocabulary. Take heart! The Word of God is not difficult with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The guidance of your church leadership and other believers can prove helpful, too.

Here are a few tips that have assisted us in our personal walk with God: 

Find a helpful translation. Some translations can be a little rigid to the original languages, which can prove helpful for longer studies on particular verses and words. Other translations are a little more fluid. They can be much …

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Should Depictions Of Christ Be Forbidden?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Historically, Christians have proven contentious and confrontational concerning depicting Jesus in any form. Even since the flashpoints of iconoclasm (image/symbol breaking) during the early Middle Ages and the Reformation, the issue has never been completely without debate. We must approach this with an open mind and a respectable degree of tolerance. 

Let’s begin by discussing the nature of idolatry in the Scriptures, and why it was consistently condemned. Let us examine Exodus 20:3-5.

You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the …

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The Virgin Birth

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Does The Moody Church believe in the virgin birth?

The Scriptures teach it. Jesus, preexistent and coeternal with the Father, left His position of glory, and took on flesh through the virgin birth (John 1:1, 14). The incarnation of Christ serves as the gateway for redemption by Christ unifying Himself with the plight of humanity and undeservingly bearing the weight of our sin. The virgin birth, surrounded by debate due to its incomprehensibility, is plainly taught in the Scriptures, but the text in no way implies any Roman Catholic doctrine concerning Mary’s perpetual virginity (Matthew 1:17-25). In fact, Scripture records …

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Does God Have A Primary Attribute?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

God’s attributes are numerous, inlcuding omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience and many others (1 John 4:16; 1 Peter 1:16; Psalm 146:7). While we do not adamantly hold to a particular attribute as God’s greatest attribute, we do acknowledge that the acts and decrees of God always revolve around His glory, primarily cultivated through His loving relationship with the elect who have been chosen to participate in the plan of redemption (Isaiah 42:8). Properly understood, His essential nature is one of holiness and impeccable love and justice, and as such, He always acts for the highest good, which is His own glory. 

About …

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The Bible: Canon, Inerrancy, And Authorship

By Erwin W. Lutzer

What is the canon?

The biblical canon (meaning rule or standard) is the revealed Word of God—the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. As Protestants, we believe that the canon of the early church was comprised of 39 books in the Old Testament and eventually 27 in the New Testament. While books from the Apocrypha might be of limited benefit for Christian reading, they are not God’s Word, and the Jewish people and the early Christian community never considered them as having the same weight as the accepted Scriptures.

Do you believe in the inerrancy of Scripture? 

Yes, …

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The Difference Between General And Special Revelations

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Revelation is the free act of God by which He graciously condescends to display and reveal His character, nature, and will to mankind. God has revealed Himself by what we categorize as general and special revelation. General revelation is broad in scope, available to mankind as a whole, but its composition is inherently non-redemptive. For instance, this is evidenced by creation in its various forms, which displays God’s glory but lacks the salvation message (Romans 1:20). Also, the human conscience is an indication of God’s general revelation and is an imperfect reflection of God’s law.

Is general revelation important? Yes. …

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