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The Resurrection Of Christ

By Dwight L. Moody

After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ found in the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel by St. Mark, Mr. Moody said:

A good many people seem to think that Christ’s resurrection was only a spiritual matter, and that His body laid in the grave and became food for worms, just like any other dead body. But the Gospels are very full and plain on this point. Not less than forty-two times is this blessed doctrine spoken of by Christ Himself before His death, as well as by His disciples afterward. In Matthew 16:21, we find, “From that time …

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The Sin We Are Not Afraid To Commit

By Dr. Bruce W. Dunn

There are multitudes of sins from which we would flee as we would flee from Satan himself: those more obvious and crude, with which any true believer will have no part. Unfortunately, there are other kinds of sins that seem not quite as recognizable, which are in some ways more destructive and dishonoring to Jesus Christ than some of the so-called sins that are easily recognized.

The sin that we are talking about just now is that sin of fretful anxiety, of untrusting care: the sin that we are not afraid to commit. And we have the mistaken notion that …

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Ye Are The Branches

By Andrew Murray

Everything depends on our being right ourselves in Christ. If I want good apples I must have a good apple tree; and if I care for the health of the apple tree, the apple tree will give me good apples. And it is just so with our Christian life and work. If our life with Christ be right, all will come right. There may be the need of instruction and suggestion and help and training in the different departments of the work; all that has value. But in the long run, the greatest essential is to have the full life …

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The Way Through A Storm

By Charles H. Troutman

“He who observes the wind will not sow; and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”—Ecclesiastes 11:4

What does the Preacher mean by these words? That watching the wind is wrong? That considering the clouds is a highly impractical activity when carried to excess? Certainly a good farmer keeps his weather eye open even as he sows and reaps.

Scripture repeatedly commands us to look, to watch. Observation and evaluation are essential—especially when winds are icy and clouds ominous. But if our careful analyses lead us to inaction, we underestimate the God who makes clouds His chariot, winds His …

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The Unchanging Word

By Dr. Wilbur M. Smith

I suppose that if one were to choose one word that embraces what is happening around us, and across the world, at this present time and in the last twenty years, that word would be “change.” Maps [are] changing—nations are being born—the exploration of the starry universe opens a new world. Neighborhoods change—governments change—circumstances of life change. In this world of change we need something to hold on to—something that is permanent and unchangeable. Something solid and firm on which we can stand. Some place where we can rest our thoughts and feel that we have laid hold of the …

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The Judgments Of Life

By Dr. Harold Lindsell

Sermon preached by Dr. Harold Lindsell, Sunday, August 9, 1964.

Our subject is taken from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, chapter four, the first five verses. You may remember the background against which this particular Scripture was written. The Apostle Paul had been a missionary to the city of Corinth, and arising from his missionary endeavors there had been formed a Christian church in that great city.

The people of Corinth were a very gifted people, and like all gifted people they were subject to differences of opinions and temptations. As a consequence of the problems which arose in …

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