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In Defense of Wheaton College

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Wheaton College has come under fire for suspending professor Larycia Hawkins for what she wrote on her Facebook page when she explained her decision to wear a hijab to identify with her Muslim neighbors. In her words, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, are people of the book…And as Pope Francis stated, we worship the same God.” The College has placed her on administrative leave because her comments “raise significant questions regarding the theological implications of statements made about the relationship of Christianity to Islam.”

As might be expected, critics have shifted into overdrive in …

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A Commentary on the Paris Attacks

By Erwin W. Lutzer

ISIS has won another victory in terrorizing the Western world with its particular brand of Islamic extremism. They have claimed responsibility for Friday night’s series of coordinated attacks in Paris which killed 129 people and injured more than 350, over 100 of them critically. As we think of those killed, including nearly 90 people systematically slaughtered while at a concert, we mourn with the rest of the world and join them in condemning this evil act. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families, and to all the people in Paris who are undoubtedly struggling with fear and …

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A Time for Tears

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The decision of the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage in all fifty states is not only a direct violation of Scripture, but is contrary to natural law. This decision will accelerate the disintegration of the family, the sexual confusion of our children, and our continuing descent into moral bankruptcy.

time for tears

Make no mistake: the battle for freedom of religion will now shift into high gear. Churches that staunchly refuse to marry gay couples will be targeted. Our right for tax exemption will be challenged; the use of our facilities for same-sex weddings will eventually become mandatory.

God was grieved with …

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Response to Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill

By Erwin W. Lutzer

So, what’s next?

With stunning rapidity, the United States as we once knew it is gone; every day another domino falls to the liberal agenda. The LGBT community has proven that their convictions trump religious freedom and clearly they have veto power over laws they do not favor. They can also block the appointment of any CEO that gives the slightest hint that they believe in traditional marriage (you do remember how CEO Brendan Eich resigned under pressure because eight years earlier he had given $1,000 to proposition #8 in California that opposed same-sex marriage).

If you have been following …

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He Will Be the Preacher

By None

My mother told me that when I was a baby…the pastor’s wife…leaned over the crib, gave me a kiss, and said in German, “He will be the preacher.”

God often leads us to where He wants us without us ever being aware of it—until we look back. Erwin Lutzer takes us on his life’s journey from a farmhouse on the plains of Saskatchewan, Canada to one of the most influential pulpits in the United States.

While traversing various roads, seemingly innocent choices turn out to be “destiny decisions.” From being led out of Canada to the United States; from one …

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March for Life

By Erwin W. Lutzer

I want to address my remarks to the church of Jesus Christ, to those of us who are followers of Christ. We stand here today united in our opposition to abortion, but I want for us to focus for a moment on the brokenness that abortion produces in the life of a young mother, and then ask ourselves if we are willing to apply the grace of God to this brokenness. We must not merely protest against the darkness but be a shaft of light to those who are hurting, those who do not know where to turn.

Listen to …

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The Washington National Cathedral Hosting a Muslim Prayer Service

By Erwin W. Lutzer

This Friday, November 14, the National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service. A Muslim spokesperson for the event said, “We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries.” The director of the Cathedral’s liturgy affirmed that “this needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.”

Should Christians …

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Your Ballot Makes a Difference

By Erwin W. Lutzer

This Tuesday is Election Day, an opportunity for us to cast a ballot in favor of a number of candidates. Incredibly, the statistics indicate that many people—yes, even Christians—do not vote; perhaps because they think that their ballot does not make any difference. In point of fact, not only have elections been determined by only a few ballots, but more importantly, if all Christians voted they could determine the outcome of almost any election. And if we don’t vote, we don’t deserve the freedoms we all think are our “right.”

Ask God to give you wisdom as to which candidate …

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Dr. Lutzer Talks About Scripture Memory

By Moody Church Media

Dr. Lutzer was recently interviewed by Linda Weddle on the topic of scipture memory. A few highlights from the article are below, and be sure to check out the entire interview at

I understand you memorized a lot of Scripture as a child. Can you tell us about that?

Yes, I did memorize a great deal of Scripture when I was younger. I promised myself that I would not graduate from Bible college unless I could quote the Book of John and by God’s grace I achieved that. The Christmas before graduation I quoted the entire book in …

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Songs in the Night Recording Session

By Moody Church Media

On Monday and Tuesday this week, Dr. Lutzer and the Songs in the Night crew recorded the next batch of radio programs. Over two days the team completed over 90 radio programs which will begin airing in January and will continue through the end of 2016.

During the recording session, The Moody Church's sanctuary is filled with the sound of the pipe organ played by John Innes. Above is a video of John playing the Songs in the Night theme song.

Dr. Lutzer recordingThe recording process begins with Dr. Lutzer's Sunday morning sermons. When a series of sermons is completed, the best …

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