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What Does It Mean To Be Prolife?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Today, the Supreme Court overruled Roe vs. Wade. You might be asking, “How should we respond as Christians?” Check out these resources from Pastor Lutzer on what it means to be prolife. 

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The Sacredness of Human Life

By Philip Miller

In response to the Supreme Court's decision this morning, read the entire statement from The Moody Church's Senior Pastor, Philip Miller.

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Are Politics Important?

By Erwin W. Lutzer

And so the political debate continues.

Or, more accurately, the political debate is heating up … with more accusations, more personal attacks, and more venom. The President has given his last State of the Union address; now the Iowa caucuses are about to be held, and the first primaries will soon be upon us.

Are politics important? Some Christians, weary with the political circus in Washington, think that all that we can do is pray and spread the gospel. I hear comments like “It doesn’t really matter who gets elected; the hope of this country lies not in Washington but …

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Make a Difference This Christmas

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Christmas is not the same for everyone. 

For some, Christmas is a lonely time of year because they have no friends and few resources. For others, including those whose relatives and friends were killed in the most recent terrorist attack, it will be a time of sorrow and loss. For still others, it will just be an excuse to give and receive gifts and party with friends. As for us, let’s remember the meaning of Christmas and celebrate accordingly—and as we do so, let’s make a difference in the lives of others.

We can include the needy in our Christmas …

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How to Pray for Paris

By Erwin W. Lutzer


Perhaps, like me, you have been struggling, wondering exactly how we should pray for Paris at this time of sorrow and unanswered questions. Although we might think that these Islamic attacks would motivate the French to seek God and hopefully turn to Christ, most are driven in the opposite direction, angry with anything associated with religion. The French see what religion has done to their country over the centuries; the religion of Islam inspired the recent terrorist attacks, but the wars of religion in previous eras have driven France to accept a radical form of secularism, a dogged commitment …

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Antichrist and ISIS

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Our hearts were saddened to hear of the brutal massacre of 21 Coptic Christians last weekend. We should be consistently praying for Christians living in Muslim lands around the world; we should enter into their suffering, and stand with them as best we can against their enemies.

We are not at war with Islam, but clearly radical Islam is at war with us. This is consistent with the history and practice of Islam throughout the centuries; the only differences are the existence of more sophisti-cated weapons and the added motivation of world-wide media such as the Internet. Unfortunately there is …

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The Only "Game" That Matters

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Perhaps you, like me, were surprised at the final play of last Sunday’s Super bowl game. Pastor Bob Gunter convinced me to root for the Seahawks, and in the final seconds it appeared as if they would win. But they managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of almost certain victory. (Even I know that when you are two feet from the goal line, you run the ball!

A few days later someone sent me an email that put things in perspective: Those who lose a big game need not be defined by the loss. A score is …

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A Religion Worth Believing

By Erwin W. Lutzer

This past week, Rebecca and I flew down to Dallas to attend the funeral of her sister-in-law who had suffered with various ailments for 20 years. She leaves behind her husband, three children, and several grandchildren. Every time I attend a funeral I’m reminded that this is where our Christian faith comes most clearly into focus: we are convinced that all who die are fully conscious in the afterlife, and those who are believers are with the Lord and their bodies await the resurrection. We shall someday join them, and “forever we shall be with the Lord.” Any religion that …

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The Root Cause of Radicalism

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The terror attacks in Paris make us realize that freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted. What happened in Paris can happen in any of our cities, including Chicago. Of course most Muslims are personally against violence and intolerance, but they are irrelevant in our ongoing war with Islamist extremists. The fact is that the radicals set the agenda, and unfortunately, moderate Muslims are often fearful to show personal opposition to the larger, more radical agenda of Islam because they fear being accused of “siding with the enemy” or “falling into apostasy.”

Virtually all Muslim terror groups—ISIS, Boko Haram, …

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Sharing the Hope of Christmas

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for most people, but certainly not for all. This is a very difficult time for those who are lonely, depressed, or who feel as if they are “on the outside looking in.” I’m thinking of those who are bereft of family; those who dread a family get-together when relatives are in the same room; those who have lost loved ones whom they especially miss at Christmas … The list of those who find Christmas a painful time of year is longer than most of us realize.

So what do we do? We expand …

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