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New Year’s Blessing from Pastor Lutzer | 2022

Happy New Year!

No matter what 2022 brings, you don’t face the challenges of the future alone. Although there’s no way to predict what’s going to happen, you can take hold of this promise from God.


Hi, this is Pastor Lutzer! I want to wish you a very blessed New Year.

I don't know about you, but on New Year's Day, I always think back to the previous year. I remember the highs and the lows, the challenges, and all that God has brought us through. But I also look forward to the future, knowing that there's no way for us to predict exactly what's going to happen, but aren't we glad that we don't go into the future all alone? We go into the future with God and He is the One who leads us every single step of the way. Now, of course, next year could actually be worse than the preceding year–if you can imagine that–but we are still encouraged because the Lord God is with us no matter where we go.

I want to thank the many of you who support our ministry. It's because of you that God has enabled us to grow this ministry. Running To Win, for example, is in more than 20 different countries in three different languages and we have great plans for the future. And you're a part of those plans. Let's enter the new year gospel-driven, willing to take on the challenges that God has given us–to do it by His grace–and of course get the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as possible, and help people make it all the way to the finish line.

From my heart to yours, Happy New Year!

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