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Merry Christmas from Pastor Lutzer | 2021

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is an exciting time of celebration and connection. But too often life get cluttered. In your home and relationships this year, don’t let Christmas distract you from what it’s all about.  



Hi, this is Pastor Lutzer. I want to take this opportunity to wish you a very blessed Christmas!

I know that Christmas is a time of excitement; it's a time of connection. But let us always remember that it is a time of the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

I'm reminded of the story of the little boy who apparently prayed, "Lord forgive us our Christmases, even as we forgive those who Christmas against us."

It's a reminder that we can have a very cluttered life and forget what the purpose of life is all about. And Christmas itself can be a distraction from worshiping the Christ-child. So as the saying goes, let us always remember the "reason for the season" It's all about Jesus. And I pray that in your home and in your relationships today, this very special day, will always about him.

Thank you so much! God bless you, From my heart to yours, as I've mentioned, have a blessed Christmas.

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