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Why Is Temptation So Powerful? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #1

By Erwin W. Lutzer

We all have conflicting desires about our struggles with temptation. The enemy of our souls wants us to lose the battle against the flesh, giving in to our passions. Pastor Lutzer lays the first brick in a wall against temptation, guiding us to God’s provision for our character development. What is it that we must believe to experience transformation?

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Can We Be Eternally Secure? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #5

By Erwin W. Lutzer

If a follower of Christ backslides, does that mean they no longer belong to God? Like rebellious sheep, we can wander away from the fold. Pastor Lutzer provides three compelling reasons why we can make it home to the Good Shepherd. Belonging to the Lord is the greatest privilege imaginable so let’s listen for His voice. 

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Can We Know We’re Saved? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #4

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Can we know for sure that we are one of Christ’s sheep? While the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the Good Shepherd lays down His life for His own. Pastor Lutzer describes three of Jesus’ purposes as the door to the sheep fold. Imagine what a difference it would make if we lived securely as the object of His love. 

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Can We Be Comforted? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #3

By Erwin W. Lutzer

In all the risks and fears we face, we are not alone. When Psalm 23 walks us through the valley of the shadow of death, we are invited to call out directly to the Lord. Pastor Lutzer identifies the Good Shepherd’s resources to guide and comfort the likes of us. Whatever we’re going through, He will bring us home.

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Can We Be Restored? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #2

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Even God’s people are prone to wander away from Him. How can we come back to the Lord after we’ve gone off the path, doctrinally or even morally? Pastor Lutzer reflects on song lyrics for two kinds of people God can restore. Whatever habits, hurts, or hang-ups you have, let the Good Shepherd restore you to Himself. 

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Can We Find Peace? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #1

By Erwin W. Lutzer

When we lie down in bed, we are often bombarded with our thoughts: world issues, personal accusations, and more. Peace comes for the believer as we meditate on Psalm 23. Pastor Lutzer discusses two questions: Who is the Shepherd and what does He do for us? He’s the One who sees the whole pasture, looking out for us.

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Will God Judge Christians In The End? | God Loves Justice #5

By Erwin W. Lutzer

God’s judgment is thorough, fair, and gracious. For Christians, we will stand before our Lord Jesus at the Bema Seat to receive what is due us, not according to our eternal destiny but our faithfulness. Pastor Lutzer explains what each one of us can expect at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Will all Christians hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? Originally Published: July 29, 2019

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Does Eternal Hell Fit The Crime? | God Loves Justice #4

By Erwin W. Lutzer

The Bible’s teaching about hell is difficult to accept—in fact, it’s terrifying. In the final judgment, God is going to hold each one of us responsible. Pastor Lutzer considers why there’s an eternal hell for eternal beings and where we can flee for rescue. Imagine being judged for our sins, of all kinds, before the glorious throne of an infinite God. Originally Published: July 22, 2019

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Are Christians Judged For Their Sins? | God Loves Justice #3

By Erwin W. Lutzer

God gives everyone justice—including Christians. God’s mercy and justice were completely satisfied at the cross, but many people struggle to accept it in their confession of sin. Pastor Lutzer considers the fundamental basis of God’s forgiveness. Would God ever demand a believer to pay the penalty for their sin? Originally Published: July 15, 2019

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Do Babies Go To Heaven? | God Loves Justice #2

By Erwin W. Lutzer

If all God’s ways are just, what do we make of children who die prematurely? Many wonder how God will rightly judge babies and young children. Pastor Lutzer ponders essential Scriptures on children’s conception, personal accountability, and destiny. As we bring these honest questions to God, we can leave it in His hands. Originally Published: July 8, 2019

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