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How Often Do We Need The Spirit’s Filling? | When The Spirit Has His Way #5

By Erwin W. Lutzer

All Christians have the Spirit of God dwelling within them. But how do we access the Spirit’s power in our daily, mundane tasks? Pastor Lutzer unpacks the requirements for being filled by the Holy Spirit, resulting in the transformation of our character. Imagine a movement of Christians praying every day for God’s Spirit to renovate our priorities and our lives.

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How Do We Experience The Spirit’s Filling? | When The Spirit Has His Way #4

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Many Christians long to experience God beyond empty rituals. We are spiritually thirsty, desiring to encounter God Himself. Pastor Lutzer reflects on the context and meaning of Jesus’ words in John 7 about the living water of the Spirit. What does the Bible say about becoming worthy of the filling of the Holy Spirit?

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How Do We Walk With The Spirit? | When The Spirit Has His Way #3

By Erwin W. Lutzer

When it seems no one cares, Christians must remember the Holy Spirit is with us. He is not an impersonal force but a person who comforts us, advocates for us, and can be grieved by us. Pastor Lutzer introduces us to the blessed companionship of the Holy Spirit, showing four ways the Spirit helps us. The Holy Spirit is not only with us, but in us.

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How Does The Holy Spirit Change Us? | When The Spirit Has His Way #2

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Deep inside our inner being, we need true healing and power. As Christians, the Spirit is already within us, searching our hearts, transforming our desires, and changing our attitude toward others. Pastor Lutzer highlights four word pictures in Scripture which represent the blessed Holy Spirit. What would God find if He looked within us? 

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Can We Recapture The Wonder Of God Within Us? | When The Spirit Has His Way #1

By Erwin W. Lutzer

From the moment of conversion, all true Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. But if many of us are struggling with grievous sin, what’s the Spirit’s role in our process of becoming more like Christ? Pastor Lutzer prepares us to relate to the Holy Spirit as a person. We can experience the filling of the Spirit, walking in his power. 

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How Do You Overcome Sinful Thoughts? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #6

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Our battle against sinful habits starts in the mind, where the devil strikes at our confidence in God. Our behavior cannot be changed unless our minds are renewed. Pastor Lutzer helps us overcome sinful or anxious thoughts through God’s promises in his Word. God is on our side in the transformation of our character.

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Do You Believe You Can Win Against Sin? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #5

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Many of us are stuck in a rut by our sinful behavior. But we can say “no” to sin because of the resources we have in Christ. Pastor Lutzer discusses how we can stand firm in the work Jesus accomplished on our behalf. If we have no obligation to follow the sinful desires of the flesh, what keeps drawing us back to the demands of our old life? 

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Can You Get Out Of Habitual Sin? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #4

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Any sin we commit usually comes in clusters, with one sin enabled by other kinds of sin. After we’ve fallen, can we get out of the pit of persistent sin? Pastor Lutzer strengthens our resolve against temptation by digging down to find the root cause. In the middle of our mess, let's lift our eyes up in worship.

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Does Confessing Sin Really Work? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #3

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Though some believe humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without God, we all still have habitual sins. The Christian life is about the transformation of our character and our habits. Pastor Lutzer defines four aspects of what confession means biblically. What if we are truly changed in God's presence? 

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Why Can’t People Change? | How To Break a Stubborn Habit #2

By Erwin W. Lutzer

We all want to see character growth and personal change. But when sin enters the picture, we resent God’s ways and plan, rebelling against him. Pastor Lutzer observes that many issues we face today go back to the Garden of Eden, when the goodness of God was questioned. What does it take for our behavior to change? 

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