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Quiet Hour - Day 5

By None

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - January 5

The Lord is my . . . song. —Psalm 118:14

Let us think of God Himself becoming our song. This is the fullness and perfection of knowing God: so to know Him that He Himself becomes our delight; so to know Him that praise is sweetest, and fullest, and freshest, and gladdest, when we sing of Him. He who has learned this blessed secret carries the golden key of heaven—nay, he hath fetched heaven down to earth, and need not envy the angels now. —Mark Guy Pearse

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Quiet Hour - Day 4

By None

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - January 4

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. —Psalm 34:19

All the afflictions of the righteous open out into something glorious. The prisoner is not merely delivered, but he finds an angel waiting for him at the door. And with every deliverance comes a specific blessing. One angel is named faith; another, love; another, joy; another, longsuffering; another, gentleness; another, goodness; another, meekness; another, temperance; another, peace. Each of these graces says, “We have come out of great tribulation.” —G. Bowen

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Quiet Hour - Day 3

By None

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - January 3

Where art thou? —Genesis 3:9

Art thou hiding thyself away from Him who would send thee forth to do His own blessed work in His own way? Oh, let me say to thee this morning, “The Lord hath need of thee.” It may seem to be only a little thing He has for you to do, but it is an important one. He has “need of thee.” Turn not thy back upon Him; put not thyself out of the way of being employed by Him; do not begin by laying down laws for …

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Quiet Hour - Day 2

By None

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - January 2

My reward is with Me. —Revelation 22:12

We are to be rewarded, not only for work done, but for burdens borne, and I am not sure but that the brightest rewards will be for those who have borne burdens without murmuring. On that day He will take the lily, that has been growing so long among thorns, and lift it up to be the glory and wonder of all the universe; and the fragrance of that lily will draw forth ineffable praises from all the hosts of heaven. —Andrew Bonar

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Quiet Hour - Day 1

By None

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - January 1

Come up in the morning . . . and present thyself . . . to me in the top of the mount. —Exodus 34:2

My Father, I am coming. Nothing on the mean plain shall keep me away from the holy heights. Help me to climb fast, and keep Thou my foot, lest it fall upon the hard rock! At Thy bidding I come, so Thou wilt not mock my heart. Bring with Thee honey from heaven, yea, milk and wine, and oil for my soul’s good, and stay the sun in …

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An Evening with Eric Metaxas & Dennis Prager

By Erwin W. Lutzer

An Evening with Eric Metaxas & Dennis Prager

Faith, Morality and Religious Liberty in America

Saturday September 7, 2013
7:30-9:30pm (doors open at 7am)
The Moody Church

An inter-faith conversation between best-selling author Eric Metaxas and syndicated radio show host Dennis Prager about Scripture, morality, and the current state of American culture, hosted by Pastor Lutzer at The Moody Church. The evening will feature candid, engaging conversation between these three prolific voices in the public square on topics of faith, culture, and the fate of our nation.

Registration is required.

Seating is general admission at $25 and doors will open …

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God Directed Arrows

By None

He was a member of a church but not a Christian. Sad to say, the drink habit had gotten the best of him. Naturally his wife remonstrated but seemingly to no avail. He became tired of her nagging, as he called it.

He stood upon the front porch of their home with his grip packed. “Good-bye,” said he, “you are saying good-bye to this man for the last time.”

His wife replied, “Good-bye, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

The latter remark clearly indicated that when sober he was a very kind person but when intoxicated, like multitudes of others, he …

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Day 1 – The Sorrow of Jesus

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Today's Reading: Mark 14:32-34
Today's Reference: Hebrews 2:17 “Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.”

Here in Gethsemane, we have the gift of seeing Jesus’ humanity most clearly. He was “greatly distressed and troubled,” going through emotional turbulence so painful He couldn’t even stand up under it. He knew He was about to have the full wrath of God unleashed upon Him because of your sin and mine. Completely sinless Himself, …

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Day 2 – The Plea of Jesus

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Today's Reading: Mark 14:35-36
Today's Reference: Hebrews 12:1b-2 “…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” 

The Jews and Romans crucified Jesus. He laid down His life for our sin. But ultimately, God was responsible for the death of Jesus. God could have sent legions of angels to “remove the cup” and rescue Jesus—but both Father and Son knew …

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A Prayer that We, Being Gripped by the Reality of Both Hell and Heaven, Would Make Sure of our Personal Salvation

By Erwin W. Lutzer

And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.—Revelation 20:15

And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.”—Revelation 22:5   

The contrast between an eternal hell and an eternal heaven could not be more vivid, more motivating and above all, more frightening. When I read these passages, I ask myself: where are the people who are too good to go to hell, but not good …

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