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Be Rich

Measuring A Miracle

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | February 15, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

God has given Christians a responsibility to serve others and build up the church. But how can we measure the success of our local churches? We must measure ourselves by God’s standards in order to become more of who He wants us to be. 

Are we discovering, developing, and dedicating the gifts God has given us to build up His church?

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


If measurementsand standards didn’t exist the world would fall into chaos.

Is it possible to have measurements in the spiritualrealm? How do you measure a miracle?

If we don’t measure the church, we don’t know where we are or where God wants us to be.

We must measure ourselves by God’s standards in order to become more of who He wants us to be.

Three standardsby which we must measure our livesand the localchurch.

-      The measure of the giftof Christ (Ephesians 4:7-11).

  • God gave Jesus Christ to this world.
  • All believers are given gifts to be used for the church and God’s glory.
  • Are we discovering, developing, and dedicatingthe gifts God has given us?
  • Measure church by the gift of Christ to each believer.
  • Not only does God give believers gifts, He gives gifted people to the church.
  • Evangelists help bring Christians into the world, while pastors and teachers help them mature.
  • You must have a balanceof gifts in the church. 

-      The measure of the statureof the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-15).

  • Pastors, teachers, and evangelists were given to the church to equippeople for building the body of Christ.
  • The only way to be equipped is through the Word of God.
  • The Word of God helps you mature so you are not led astray by false teaching.
  • The church can’t become more like Christ until individuals in the church become more like Christ. 

-      The measure of every part (Ephesians 4:16).

  • Is every believer participatingin some way in the ministry of the church?
  • Every part of the body is important.
  • Gifts were not given as weapons to fight with or toys to play with but as tools to build with.

We cannot discover, develop, or dedicate our gifts on our own.

Every gift is important in building up of the body of Christ.


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