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Be Rich

Labor, Management, And God

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | September 30, 1973

Selected highlights from this sermon

Our culture is filled with countless evils. But how should the church confront the evil in society? God gives believers three tools for fighting bad and accomplishing good. These tools remind us of the power of the Gospel, fellowship in the church, and how to work before the Lord.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


There were 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire. The economy was built on slavery.

There are countless evilsthat are part of our current culture.

How does the church confrontthe evils that are in societytoday?

God is at work in this world fighting evil and accomplishing good.

Three tools God uses to fightevil and accomplish good:

-      The message of the Gospel

  • The Law was our education of the righteousness of God.
  • Preaching the Gospel began to destroy slavery in Ephesus by declaring who people are in the image of God.
  • The Gospel shows that there is no difference between slave and free because God loves and died for everyone.
  • The Gospel gave slaves a new purpose: serving the Lord.
  • Slaves understood the powerof redemption. The God who wants to own us has already paid the price for us.
  • Wherever the Gospel goes it sets people free.

-      The fellowshipof the church

  • Paul welcomes the slaves into the local church.
  • We are all one in Christ Jesus.
  • When the local church gathers together with the power of God present, changes can take place in society and God can do great things.

-      The conductof the individual Christian

  • Changingthe world starts by changing your own life.
  • God changes the world through individual hearts.
  • Four questions to ask about our work:
    • Who are you working for?
    • Why am I working?
    • How are you working?
    • Will your work stand in eternity?
  • Our work should be centered on Christ and sharing the message of the Gospel with the world.
  • Be an honest, faithfulworker for the Lord, no matter what your job.

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