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Sermon Series

Loved By Jesus

A Study Through John

Philip Miller

What does it mean to be loved by Jesus? To best answer this, we must first know who Jesus is and what He did for us. Only then can we truly know what it means to be loved by Jesus.

Through this 38-week study on the book of John, Pastor Miller focuses in on Jesus from many different angles. From being the Word of God made flesh to the Redeemer of all mankind. From His tenderness and compassion shown to those in desperate need to His outspoken views on the religious leaders of His day.

And once you’ve seen, in a very intimate way, who Jesus is, what He did while on Earth, and understand that He did it for us, you will know what it means to be loved by Jesus.


Sermon 01

The Logos

September 20, 2020

If you’re loved by Jesus, nothing else matters.

Sermon 02

The Lamb

September 27, 2020

Jesus alone can do the deep, inner-transforming work we most desperately long for.

Sermon 03

The Rabbi

October 4, 2020

Jesus’ life is an embodiment of what it means to be truly, fully human, completely alive. He alone is worth following.

Sermon 04

The Purifier

October 11, 2020

Jesus was alienated from His Father that we might be brought near.

Sermon 05

The Regenerator

October 18, 2020

Your religious résumé cannot save you. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Sermon 06

The Preeminent

October 25, 2020

Jesus is the most consequential person in the history of the universe, and when He shows up, no mere mortal can even compete.

Sermon 07

The Satisfier

November 1, 2020

No matter what we’ve done, no matter who we’ve become, no matter what’s been done to us, Jesus loves us.

Sermon 08

The Boundless

November 8, 2020

When we recognize who Jesus is and what He offers us, our response should be to admit our need for Him, believe in His name, and commit our lives to …

Sermon 09

The Audacious

November 15, 2020

Jesus claimed the prerogatives of deity for Himself. Not only was He the Messiah, He claimed to be the Son of God, with all the same rights and privileges of …
Sermon 10

The Protégé

November 22, 2020

If we have heard Jesus’ Word, and believed on His name, we will never face Him as a judge. We have passed from death to life, and nothing can ever …

Sermon 11

The Prophet

January 3, 2021

When we know Jesus, that is ultimately how we know ourselves.

Sermon 12

The Bread

January 10, 2021

Our spiritual life is sustained by consuming the life that Jesus sacrificed in order that we might live.

Sermon 13

The Galilean

January 17, 2021

We can count on Jesus, even when He’s doing the unexpected.

Sermon 14

The Forgiver

January 24, 2021

The condemnation Jesus alone can bring against us is the condemnation He alone chose to bear on the cross for us.

Sermon 15

The Light

January 31, 2021

Bad things grow in the dark, so isn’t it time you let the Light of the world in?

Sermon 16

The I Am

February 14, 2021

We are far worse off than we think, Jesus is far better than we realize, and there is far more at stake then we imagine.

Sermon 17

The Blinding

February 21, 2021

Jesus’ light is blinding to some and beautiful to others. It all comes down to whether we’re willing to admit our blindness or not.

Sermon 18

The Shepherd

February 28, 2021

The more fiercely independent and autonomous we try to be, the more vulnerable we become. We are made to be shepherded.

Sermon 19

The Divine

March 7, 2021

Jesus welcomes you where you are, even the parts of you that are skeptical and hesitant to believe He is the Son of God.

Sermon 20

The Life

March 14, 2021

Could it be that love is holding God back from doing what you ask?

Sermon 21

The Anointed

March 21, 2021

The very lowest of Jesus is deserving of the very highest of us. Are you willing to give Him all of you?

Sermon 22

The Hour

March 28, 2021

If we are to embrace the eternal life that Jesus offers, we must learn to let go of the life that we now have.

Sermon 23

The Resurrection

April 4, 2021

Jesus Himself is the key to resurrection life in the here and now.

Sermon 24

The Servant

April 11, 2021

Jesus is calling all of us to be humble servants.

Sermon 25

The Troubled

April 18, 2021

Our sin is always betrayal, but in His great mercy and love, Jesus relentlessly pursues those who betray Him.

Sermon 26

The Way

May 9, 2021

Our true home is to abide in love with God forever, and He has opened wide the doors of His heart in Jesus.

Sermon 27

The Dance

May 16, 2021

In the Upper Room on the last night before facing the cross, Jesus poured out His heart to His disciples, teaching them (and us) how to live in the love …

Sermon 28

The Vine

May 23, 2021

The secret to a fruitful Christian life is abiding in Jesus. Everything hinges on the strength of our connection with Him.

Sermon 29

The Helper

June 6, 2021

As we suffer in the strength of the Holy Spirit, we embody the convicting presence of God in the world and proclaim our ultimate allegiance to the way Jesus and …

Sermon 30

The Overcomer

June 13, 2021

Whatever we must face in this life, will be all right in the end because Jesus is with us.

Sermon 31

The Priest

June 20, 2021

We were made for a beautiful life, found only in Jesus, as we are forever enfolded in the love of our triune God.

Sermon 32

The Betrayed

June 27, 2021

Jesus died in our place, for our sake, to bear all our sin and shame. He drank the cup of judgment and rose again on the third day in order …

Sermon 33

The Condemned

July 4, 2021

God took all of the religious hypocrisy of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day, and worked a redemptive twist through it all to bring salvation to the world.

Sermon 34

The Crucified

July 11, 2021

Nothing in your past, present, or future can alter who you are in Christ, because you are forever loved by Jesus. And “it is finished!”

Sermon 35

The Buried

July 18, 2021

Following Jesus means embracing the rhythm of dying and rising with Christ.

Sermon 36

The Raised

July 25, 2021

The resurrection isn’t just a nice thing that happened a long time ago; it is the pattern and promise of what will one day happen to all things. Is Jesus …

Sermon 37

The Lord

August 1, 2021

Jesus offers life in Himself to all who will believe, so will you dare to believe in the risen Lord?

Sermon 38

The Redeemer

August 8, 2021

No matter what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve become, no matter what’s been done to you, Jesus never gives up on failures like us.

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