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Sermon Series

The Righteousness Of God: Volume 1

Lessons from the Book of Romans

Erwin W. Lutzer

The book of Romans is the doctrinal centerpiece of the Christian faith, and in the first twelve messages of this 2-volume series, Pastor Lutzer unveils the glorious luster of the first eight chapters.

Humanity’s complete condemnation will humble you. The legal crediting of Christ’s righteousness to sinners by faith will awe you. The gracious benefits of salvation lavished upon His adopted children will encourage you and redefine your faith forever. 


Sermon 01

Still Not Ashamed

September 14, 1986

The book of Romans continues, even to this day, to shape history.

Sermon 05

God's Greatest Gift

November 9, 1986

By faith in Jesus Christ, we can be justified before a holy God.

Sermon 06

The Ingenuity Of God

November 16, 1986

The cross was the reason why a holy God could lavish us with mercy without tarnishing His justice.

Sermon 07

Now That You Believe

December 7, 1986

Our justification gives us peace with God and continual access to His royal presence. 

Sermon 09

Choosing Your Master

March 8, 1987

Jesus’ history has become our history. We died, rose, and ascended with Him.

Sermon 11

In Step With The Spirit

April 5, 1987

We become what we focus on. Will we set our minds on spiritual things?

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