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Sermon Series

Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

Erwin W. Lutzer

Throughout the centuries, mystery and awe have surrounded this privileged woman. For it was by Mary that God had given the world the gift of His Son. What joy and sorrow she must have experienced throughout her Son's short life. In this series, Dr. Erwin Lutzer draws from Mary's life as recorded in the Bible to look at what must have been quite a unique perspective of the Son of God.


Sermon 01

A Virgin's Child

December 7, 1997

The virgin birth preserved Jesus’ sinlessness, fulfilled prophecy, and granted Him David’s throne.

Sermon 02

A Virgin's Song

December 14, 1997

Those who need God the most have the opportunity to know God the most.

Sermon 03

A Virgin's Wonder

December 21, 1997

Do you want to be a part of the remnant who walks with God like Simeon? 

Sermon 04

A Virgin's Grief

December 28, 1997

Tragic events must be interpreted in light of the cross of Christ.

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