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Sermon Series

The Vanishing Power Of Death

Erwin W. Lutzer

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, a historical fact verified by a wealth of evidence, lies at the very core of what we believe. These messages, preached by Pastor Lutzer over the course of several Resurrection Sundays, present both the joy and the wider implications of our resurrection faith. You will delight and rejoice in Christ's triumph, even as you are challenged to share the Good News of that triumph with our hurting world.

This is a collection of sermons, originally titled Confronted By The Risen Christ, preached between 1992 and 2010. Please note that the audio quality will be different from message to message.


Sermon 02

The Day Death Died

April 11, 1993

Believers die within the context of Christ’s loving care. 

Sermon 04

The Keeper Of The Keys

April 16, 2006

Jesus has authority and eternality; He can’t be managed. 

Sermon 05

Resurrected Dreams

April 12, 1998

Jesus walks with us in our disappointment and pain.

Sermon 07

Jesus Raised For Us

April 12, 2009

Do we have the devotion of Mary Magdalene who was last at the cross and first to the tomb? 

Sermon 08

Forever Alive

April 4, 2010

For those who will enjoy eternal life, death is just a bend in the road. 

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