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Sermon Series

A Season Of Psalms

Erwin W. Lutzer

The respite for God’s people has been the Psalms for hundreds of years. We cry with them. We mourn with them. We praise God with them.

Join Pastor Erwin Lutzer as he leads us through a series covering eight of the Psalms.  You will see the world and yourself afresh, but first and foremost, you will behold the grandeur of God and His Word. 


Sermon 01

A King Is Crowned

January 31, 1988

The answer of God to the rebellion of humanity is His Son.

Sermon 02

Hearing God Speak

February 14, 1988

Is God hiding? Or is He speaking while we're hiding?

Sermon 03

A Prescription For Fear

February 21, 1988

Every fear becomes smaller when our concept of God gets larger.

Sermon 05

Waiting For God

March 6, 1988

Waiting on God provides many blessings.

Sermon 06

Thirsting For God

March 13, 1988

The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.

Sermon 08

The Omniscience Of God

January 19, 1997

God knows us completely, but will we stop trying to hide from Him?

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