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Resources About Will of God

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Understanding the will of God and how to live in His will.

Sermon Series

What Is God Up To?

At times, the world around us seems to be falling apart. Earthquakes, suffering, famine, and global tragedies raise questions in our mind. Is God really in control? Why does He allow these things to happen? Every day people are confronted with such issues. These messages focus on God’s overall plan …


A Burning Bush

God’s will won’t take you where His grace cannot keep you and His power cannot use you.

Sermon Series

How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God

Is it possible to know in this life where you will spend eternity? Many who expect to enter heaven will be disappointed, discovering too late that they were mistaken. In this series Pastor Lutzer explains grace and assurance, along with justification and the new birth. These messages are not simply …


Held In God's Hands

God’s purposes will be fulfilled and He will take those whom He foreknew all the way to glory.

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